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《灵界经历》 第2614节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2614

2614. As soon as I was awake I saw a large dog with frightful jaws, and I inquired what it symbolized. Later I was told that such a dog appears, or such a dog is portrayed, when someone is carried down to an opposite pleasure. That pleasantness was heavenly because it pertained to marriage love with its inward heavenly joy when, content with their own few belongings, they live in their little house with their partner whom they love most tenderly, and with their children, their mind content in the Lord. When one passes over from the pleasantness of that heavenly love to its opposite- which those who are absorbed in its opposite feel as heavenly pleasure, when yet it is hellish-then such a dog is presented to view, by which is portrayed that he keeps guard lest opposite pleasures communicate with each other. This also shows what was symbolized in the fables by Cerberus.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2614

2614. Immediately on my waking there was seen by me a great dog with frightful jaws [ricta], concerning which I inquired what it signified. It was afterwards told me that such a dog appears, or by such a dog is represented, when anyone is borne away to a contrary delight [amoenitatem]. [A man] enjoyed that heavenly delight, inasmuch as [he has] conjugial love with interior heavenly joy when he is contented with his few [things], lives in his little house with the wife whom he loves most tenderly, and with his children, with a contented mind [trusting] in the Lord; [but] when he passed from the delight of that celestial love to the opposite, wherein those who are in the opposite feel as it were a heavenly pleasantness when yet it is infernal, then such a dog is presented, by which is represented that he keeps guard lest the opposite pleasantnesses communicate, wherefore it may also be apparent what is represented by Cerberus in the fables.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2614 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2614. Mox in vigilia, mihi videbatur magnus canis cum rictu horrendo, de quo quaesivi quid significaret, dictum postea, quod talis canis appareat seu per talem canem repraesentetur, cum ad amaenitatem contrariam quis defertur; erat illa amaenitas coelestis, quia amoris conjugialis, cum interiori gaudio coelesti, cum homo paucis suis contentus, vivit in domo sua parva, cum conjuge quam tenerrime amat, et cum liberis, contenta mente, in Domino: cum a coelestis illius amoris amaenitate transitur, ad oppositum, in quo iis, qui in opposito sunt, sentitur sicut jucunditas coelestis, cum tamen infernalis est, tunc talis canis sistitur, quo repraesentatur, quod is custodiat, ne jucunditates oppositae communicent, quare quid per Cerberum in fabulis repraesentatum, constare quoque potest.

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