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《灵界经历》 第2621节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2621

2621. About David; about those who are immersed in the delight of adultery and cruelty

When I was reading the passages about the adultery of David with Bathsheba [2 Sam. 11] and about his cruelty against the children of Ammon [12:31], one whom they said was David was presented for quite a while, for days, with whom I spoke, thinking he could have been among the upright, but if it is he, or if the one with me reflects his personality, as is apt to happen, then this is a leader of adulterers and of the cruel, who derive the highest pleasure from adulteries and cruelty; moreover, he is violently sharp-witted, be-cause he goes in his fantasy higher than others. I have heard that in his lifetime, by the words he wrote in the Psalms he understood himself, not so much the Messiah, Whom he did know, but whether he believed Him to be Jehovah the God of Israel, I do not yet know. 1748, 16 July. See 2 Sam. 12:31.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2621


When I read those things which [are written] concerning the adultery of David with Bathsheba, and concerning his cruelty to the sons of Ammon, there was presented quite a long time, for some days, [one] whom they called David, with whom I spoke. I supposed that he would have been amongst the righteous; but if he is [David], or is one who presents his person to me, as is wont to happen, then is [David] such a leader of adulteries and the cruel as derive from adulteries and from cruelty the highest pleasantness; and [he is] besides subtle or pernicious, because his phantasy reaches higher than others. I have heard that [by those things] which in his life he wrote in the Psalms he understood himself and not Messiah, whom he also had knowledge of; but whether he has believed in Jehovah the God of Israel, I do not yet know. - 1748, July 16. - See 2 Sam. 12:31.

Experientiae Spirituales 2621 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2621. De Davide; de iis qui [in] 1

delectatione adulterii et crudelitatis sunt

Cum legerem ea quae de adulterio Davidis cum Bethscheba [II Sam. XI], et de crudelitate ejus contra filios Ammonis [XII: [31], sistebatur, satis diu, per dies, quem dicebant Davidem, cum quo loquutus, et putavi, quod potuisset esse inter probos, sed si is est, aut qui apud me, sistit ejus personam, ut solet fieri, tunc est talis dux adulterorum, et crudelium, qui ex adulteriis et ex crudelitate summam capiunt jucunditatem; et praeterea acutus seu perniciosus, quia altius it sua phantasia quam alii; id audivi, quod in vita sua, quae scripsit in almis {a}, quod [iis] se intellexerit 2

, non ita Messiam, Quem quidem novit, sed num Jehovam Deum Israelis crediderit, nondum scio. 1748, 16 Julius. Videas II Sam. XII: 31.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. The Manuscript has intellexerit

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