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《灵界经历》 第2622节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2622

2622. In the other life there is a place, as said before [2613-2617], under the feet, where the heel would be in the greatest body. There those are who are adulterers or who delight in adulteries, and also those who delight in cruelty. Their enjoyment is such that they feel complete pleasure, nor do they think anything more enjoyable exists. This pleasure issuing from them is so general today that it spreads out even to the innocent,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2622

2622. In the other life there is a place, as already said, under the feet, where might be the heel in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore]. These are those who are adulterers, or who are delighted with adulterers, as also those who [are delighted] with cruelty. Their delight is of such a nature that they perceive simply the pleasantness, and they think nothing can be given that is more pleasant. Pleasantness of such a nature, [arising] from these things, is today so common as also to extend to infants,

Experientiae Spirituales 2622 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2622. In altera vita est locus, ut prius dictum [2613-2617], sub pedibus, ubi in maximo corpore esset calcaneum, ibi sunt qui adulteri seu qui delectati sunt adulteriis, tum etiam qui crudelitate; oblectatio eorum talis est, ut meram jucunditatem sentiant, nec quicquam jucundius dari putant. Jucunditas talis seu ex istis hodie tam generalis est, ut quoque

(2623.) extendat se ad insontes, qui in vita corporis sui nondum actualitate acquisiverunt jucunditatem ex talibus, sed usque qui haereditario id acceperunt, ita quoque ad eos qui et quae in prima sua juventute, qui et quae dum afficiuntur ab ea jucunditate, putant quoque jucundum, quidam jucundissimum esse, nam jucunditates in altera vita communicantur, sunt quasi exhalationes earum, cum tamen, si humanum genus non ita infectum fuisset, ex haereditate, non modo nullam jucunditatem inde sentirent, sed injucunditatem, et nauseam; ex quibus constare potest, quale hodie est genus humanum.

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