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《灵界经历》 第2624节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2624

2624. But their pleasure has now been turned into that of bad odors, or the stench of human dung, which exhales from there, and which I also smell. And they declare that there is now such a stench, for that is what it is in itself, and in the presence of angels it is turned into that, so that they who are such will end up living in that dung. For it is absolutely that kind of stinking filth in the upright spiritual world, and therefore is turned into that kind of stench. And it is amazing that the spirits around me also smell that filthy stench, just like those on earth in their own body. 1748, 16 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2624

2624. (But their pleasantness is now turned into an offensive smell [foetorem], or into the smell of human dung, which thence exhales, and which I also perceive [sentio], and they say that there is such a smell now; for in itself it is of such a nature before the angels, and is turned into such, so that they who are such would at last live in such dung, for in itself it is such an excrementitious [stercoreum] nasty [principle] in the righteous spiritual world: wherefore it is also turned into such a smell, and [what is] wonderful, spirits around me also perceive [sentient] such a smell and foetor [foetorem] like man in his own body. - 1748, July 16.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2624 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2624. Sed jucunditas eorum nunc versa est in foetorum, seu in stercoris humani nidorem, qui inde exhalat, et quem quoque sentio, et ii ajunt, quod talis nidor nunc sit, nam in se talis est, coram angelis, et in talem vertitur, sic ut ii qui tales sunt, tandem in stercore tali victuri; nam in se est tale stercoreum, foetidum, in spirituali probo mundo, quare quoque in talem nidorem vertitur, et mirum, quod spiritus circum me talem nidorem et foetorem quoque sentiant, sicut homo in suomet corpore. 1748, 16 Julius.

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