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《灵界经历》 第263节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 263

263. About the teachability of spirits, and about magic

Besides the many experiences I have had one after another over a long period, I have also today learned through some unique ones that spirits are teachable, and in fact avidly seize upon things that are beyond imagination; also, that the Egyptians' magic on the plane of nature resulted from this fact. For there are very many spirits who try to utter such things, but because it is abominable and profane to do so, their mouth is immediately closed up, and they are cast out from the society. Since they are abominable pests to societies there, they are kept in a place where they are no longer able to communicate their magical powers to others. They are only given access to me for the purpose of temptation. 1747, 23 November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 263


Besides the many experiences I have had repeatedly for a long time, I have also learnt today by a certain particular experience, that spirits are teachable [docilis], and indeed eagerly seize upon those things which no one can imagine for himself; and also that the natural magic of the Egyptians was due to that cause. For there are very many spirits who try to say similar things, but because it is abominable and profane their mouth is immediately closed, and they are cast out of the society; for they are abominable pests of societies there, consequently they are held in a place where they can no longer communicate their magical arts to others. They were only admitted to me for the sake of temptation. 1747, Nov. 23, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 263 (original Latin 1748-1764)

263. De docilitate spirituum, et magia

Praeter experientias plures, subinde per multum temporis, etiam hodie didici per singulares quasdam 1

experientias, quod spiritus dociles sint, et quidem arripiant ea, quae nemo sibi imaginari potest, tum quod magia naturalis Aegyptiorum inde effluxerit; sunt enim perplures spiritus qui similia dicere tentant, sed quia est abominabile et profanum, iis os illico occluditur, et ejiciuntur e societate, quia pro societatibus ibi sunt abominabiles pestes, proinde reservantur ibi, ubi cum aliis sua magica 2

non amplius communicare possunt: solum admittuntur ad me, tentationis causa. 1747, 23 Nov. st. v.


1. The Manuscript has quandam

2. The Manuscript has magicca

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