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《灵界经历》 第262节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 262

262. There are realms of calmness, which are to be called auras of ignorance, in the third heaven

This morning I was guided into several realms, so to speak, of the third heaven, 1and in fact to its innermost region (for each heaven has its innermost, very inward, and inward parts) where spirits were said to sojourn who are recently delivered from the pit. There was calmness, and nothing sad was noticeable; so that here is the calmness that in the inward degree corresponds to peace in the innermost regions

[41]. Afterwards, surrounded by something like a column, I was guided into other auras, so to speak, of the inward Heaven, and indeed, to the heaven of ignorance (every heaven is distinguishable into its heavens), where not a sound was heard, but it was calm.

mThese are the habitations or mansions about which God the Messiah [spoke] [John 14:2], which are here called auras.n 2

Finally [I was conducted] to another heaven of ignorance, consisting of the kind of people who are unconcerned about heresies, and who neither affirm nor deny anything, saying that every person fosters his own opinion. Yet here it was not so calm. It was as if someone wanted to smash the wall with an axe, and someone said that he feared that person might finally strike him.

These heavens are separate, and well guarded, so nothing in the heavens is disarranged, except as to appearance in the inward heaven - which is no longer to be called the inward, but the lower heaven. 3There abides a gang of lower spirits above hell who carry on licentiously. 1747, the 21st day of November (old calendar). - Obs. The heaven of ignorance in the inward heaven interacts with that of Innocence in the very inward and innermost heavens. 4


1. I.e. in descending order.

2. The Latin word is "sphaerae."

3. Nevertheless, the author continues to call it the inward heaven for some time.

4. This sentence is emphasized by the words "Obs. Obs." written in the margin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 262


This morning I was led into some so-called spheres of the third heaven, and indeed to its inmost, for each heaven has its inmost, its more interior, and its exterior. The spirits who were recently taken out of the pit were told to tarry there for a little time. There was tranquillity there, nor was anything at all sad perceived; wherefore here is the tranquillity which, in the interior degree, corresponds to peace in the inmost. Afterwards having been encompassed as if with [an angelic] column, I was led into other spheres as it were of the interior heaven, and also into the heaven of ignorance. (Each heaven can be distinguished into its own heavens.) Nothing whatever was heard there, but it was tranquil. At length I was led into another heaven of ignorance, consisting of such as cared nothing about heresies, and who neither affirm nor, deny anything whatever, saying that everyone cherishes his own opinion. There, however, it was not so tranquil. It was as if someone wanted to break down the wall with an axe, of whom everyone said he was afraid lest he should at length break in. These heavens are separate and well guarded: thus nothing in the heavens is indistinct, except according to the appearance in the lower heaven, which is no longer to be called the interior, but the lower, heaven, where there is a crowd of lower spirits above hell, who act licentiously. 1747, Nov. 21, o.s.

The heaven of ignorance in the interior heaven, corresponds to Innocence in the more interior and inmost. 1

mThese are the habitations or mansions of heaven, of which God Messiah speaks (John 14:2), which are here called spheres.n


1. In the margin: "obs. obs."

Experientiae Spirituales 262 (original Latin 1748-1764)

262. Quod sint sphaerae tranquillae, quae dicendae sphaerae ignorantiae, in tertio 1


Hoc mane perducebar in aliquot sic vocatas sphaeras coeli tertii 2

, et quidem ad intimum ejus, nam cujusvis coeli datur intimum, intimius et exterius, ibi dicebantur spiritus aliquantum demorari, qui recens a fovea eximuntur, erat tranquillitas, nec quicquam triste percipiebatur, quare hic est tranquillitas, quae in interiori gradu correspondet paci in intimis. Postmodum, quasi columna circumdatus perducebar in alias quasi sphaeras 3

Coeli interioris, et quidem in coelum ignorantiae, (coelum quodlibet in suos coelos potest distingui),ibi nec quicquam audiebatur, sed erat tranquillum; tandem in aliud coelum ignorantiae, talium, qui nihil curant, de haeresibus, quique nec affirmant aut negant quicquam, dicendo, quod quisque suam sententiam foveat, ibi usque non ita tranquillum erat, erat sicut quidam securi parietem diffringere vellet, quem, quis dixit, se timere, ne tandem se infringat. Hi coeli separati sunt, et bene custoditi, ita nihil in coelis est indistinctum praeter secundum apparentiam, in coelo inferiori, quod non amplius coelum interius, sed inferius dicendum; ibi turba inferiorum supra infernum, quae in licentia agunt. 1747 die 21 Nov. st. v. Obs. coelum 4

innocentiae in interiori coelo, correspondet Innocentiae in intimioribus ac intimis.


1. hoc est ultimo

2. hoc est ultimi

3. [NCBS Editor's note] The manuscript has a marginal note "Haec sunt habitacula coeli seu manisions, de quibus Deus Messias [Joh. XIV:2], quae hic vocantur sphaerae", referring to the use of the words sphaerae or sphaeras", in the text.

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has coeli.

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