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《灵界经历》 第2634节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2634

2634. How the natural sciences and their truths compare with spiritual and heavenly truths

When I was in a tacit conversation with spirits it was imparted to me that it would be hard for scholars in the world to understand that the natural sciences and human philosophy not only darken, but even entirely conceal and thus extinguish the light of spiritual truths, when yet there are truths in them and they contribute so much in confirming and more or less illustrating spiritual truths. Therefore spirits who were also unable to understand this portrayed natural truths as translucent, with spiritual truths shining through them. So also do the scholars of the world think, nor does anyone grasp the matter in any other way, except he whom the Lord has taught.

But I was prompted to reply and to portray symbolically that those truths in themselves are murky darkness, but when illuminated by spiritual truths, which are from the Lord, they then become as if translucent, for there is light within the Lord's spiritual truths, and it makes natural truths shine, and by no means vice versa. For it is contrary to order, as also to all sound reason, that something that is dead in itself, and fog, can give life and light to things that are of life and of light.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2634


When in tacit speech [sermone] with spirits, it was then insinuated that the erudite in the world are at a loss to understand that the natural sciences and human philosophy not only obscure, but even wholly cover up, and so extinguish the light of spiritual truths, when yet therein are truths; and they only conduce to the confirming, and, as it were, the illuminating of spiritual truths. Wherefore spirits, who also could not understand it, represent natural truths, as it were, pellucid, through which shone spiritual truths. Thus, also, suppose the erudite of the world, nor does anyone otherwise apprehend it, save he whom the Lord has taught; but it was given me to read and represent that these truths are in themselves darkness and mists; but when they are illuminated by spiritual truths, which [are] from the Lord, they then become, as it were, pellucid, for in spiritual truths is the light of the Lord, and makes natural truths transparent, and not at all the reverse; for it is contrary to order, as also to all reason, that that which in itself is dead and mist can give life and light to those things which are of life and light.

Experientiae Spirituales 2634 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2634. Quomodo se habent scientiae naturales, et earum veritates respective ad veritates spirituales et coelestes

Cum in tacito sermone cum spiritibus, tunc insinuatum, quod eruditi in orbe, difficulter intellecturi sint, quod scientiae naturales et philosophia humana, non solum obscurent, sed etiam prorsus obtegant et sic exstinguant lucem veritatum spiritualium, cum tamen in ea veritates sint, et conducant tantum confirmandis et quasi illuminandis veritatibus spiritualibus, quare spiritus qui nec illud potuerunt intelligere, repraesentabant veritates naturales sicut pellucidas, per quas translucerent veritates spirituales, ita quoque putant eruditi orbis, nec quisquam aliter id capit, nisi quem Dominus docuit; at respondere mihi dabatur, et repraesentare, quod veritates istae, sint in se tenebrae et caligines, sed dum a veritatibus spiritualibus, quae a Domino, illuminantur, tunc fiunt sicut pellucidae, nam veritatibus spiritualibus Domini inest lux, et lucidas facit veritates naturales, et nequaquam vicissim; nam contra ordinem est, sicut etiam contra omnem rationem, quod id quod in se est mortuum, et caligo, vitam et lucem dare possit, iis quae sunt vitae et lucis.

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