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《灵界经历》 第2641节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2641

2641. As for the "furnace" mentioned there, it is a large round wooden tub into which people seem to themselves to be thrown and rolled around in such a way as to fall out, and are again thrown in. To depict when they are dying, they are spewed out. It is denied that he made them cross through the fire or burning furnace, for to bring on each other by fantasies an image like that is forbidden in hell, because they are thereby tormented most gravely. For they dread extremely the fantasy of fire.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2641

2641. As respects the brick-kiln [furnace] [fornacem] there [mentioned], it is a sort of a large, round vessel of wood, wherein men seem to themselves to be cast, rolling around, and so fall out, and are again thrown in when they die, in order that they may represent that they were thus spewed out. That he made them pass through fire, or a lighted furnace, is denied; for it is forbidden to bring the like on themselves in hell by phantasies, for thus they are tormented most grievously, for they are greatly horrified at the phantasy of fire.

Experientiae Spirituales 2641 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2641. Quod fornacem ibi attinet, est magnum quoddam vas rotundum, ligneum, in quod injici sibi videntur homines, circumvolvendo, et sic ut elabantur, et iterum ingerantur, dum moriuntur, ut repraesentarent, quod sic exspuerentur; quod [eos] per ignem seu fornacem ignitam trajecerit, hoc negatur, nam similem in inferno per phantasias sibi inducere, vetitum est, sic enim cruciantur gravissime, nam ignis phantasiam maxime horrescunt.

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