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《灵界经历》 第2642节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2642

2642. These things were shown, told, and confirmed to me. And regarding little children, of whom there is no mention there, they did not kill them, for to kill little children is completely forbidden in hell, and to bring on each other such fantasies is never permitted. But the Jews treated little children in this manner: when they were in their swaddling clothes they would grab hold of the swaddling clothes, leading them out either onto the street, or into manure, or into a swampy place, and holding the end of the swaddling band in the hand, they would then throw the little child forward, keeping hold of the swaddling band and then slinging them out. I was told that it was done thus. 1748, 18 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2642

2642. These things were shown, told, and confirmed to me, and as regards infants, of whom there is mention made there, they did not slay them, for it is wholly forbidden to slay infants in hell, for it is never permitted to induce such phantasies on themselves; but the Jews treated infants in this manner; to wit, when they were in their swaddling-clothes [fascus], they seized hold of the swaddling-bands, bringing them forth either into the highway, or where was dung, or a marshy [miry] spot, and holding the swaddling-band in the hand, thus cast forth the infant: holding in hand the little swaddling-band, and so casting forth [the infant]. This is told me [I was told], that so it happened. - 1748, July 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 2642 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2642. Haec mihi ostensa sunt, dicta, et confirmata, et quoad infantes, quorum ibi non fit mentio, eos non necabant, nam necare infantes in inferno prorsus vetitum est, nam tales phantasias inducere sibi nusquam permittitur, sed infantes, Judaei, ita tractabant; cum in fasciis suis essent, fascias arripiebant, educentes vel in plateam, vel ubi stercus, vel ubi paludinosum, et manu tenentes fasciolam, sic projiciendo infantem, tenendo manu fasciolam, et sic projiciendo; hoc mihi dictum est, quod ita factum. 1748, 18 Julius.

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