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《灵界经历》 第2663节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2663

2663. On Simplicity

I was occasioned to speak with a certain simple spirit whom other spirits were annoying on account of his simplicity, and through whom they were speaking and whom they presented to speak to me-in which behavior there was cunning. But he, having been drawn away into a different society, was speaking from a simple heart, saying that he wanted to speak not with me, because I am nothing, but with the Lord. There was such simplicity in his speaking and conversation that I knew he had been able to speak with the Lord, because as [the simple] speak, so they are.

The spirits were indignant. They imagined that it was they who should be admitted, because they were clever and knew a great deal, rather than such a simple person, which they also declared. He was then lifted up into a higher realm, and while being lifted he said that on the way he is being hindered by many spirits.

These, therefore, are the simple in heart and the ones who before the learned, and still more before those who think themselves wise on their own, are admitted to the Lord - because they believe what they are saying, nor is there any doubt and negativity in their thoughts, such as there is in the thoughts of those who think they become wise on their own. 1748, 22 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2663


It was appointed for me [mihi sistebatur] to speak with a certain simple [spirit], whom other spirits annoyed on account of his simplicity, and through [whom] they spoke, and whom they set [sistebant] to speak to me: in which [conduct of theirs] was craftiness - but he having been taken from them to another society, spoke from a simple heart what he wished to speak, not with me because I can [do] nothing, but with the Lord. There was in his talk and discourse such a simplicity that I knew he had been able to speak with the Lord, because as they speak, so they are: the spirits were indignant, because they supposed they themselves should sooner [potius] be admitted, because cunning [astuti] and intelligent [scientes], elevated to a higher region, and during [that] whilst being elevated [elevating], he said, he is impeded in the way by many spirits. These therefore are the simple in heart, and [those] who are admitted to the Lord before the learned, and still more before those who suppose they are prudent of themselves: because they believe what they say, and in their ideas is no such doubting [dubium] and negative [principle] as in the ideas of those who suppose they are wise of themselves. - 1748, July 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2663 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2663. De Simplicitate

Loquendum mihi sistebatur cum quodam simplici, quem alii spiritus vexabant propter simplicitatem ejus, et per [quem] 1

loquebantur, et quem sistebant ad mihi dicendum, in quo astuties erat; is vero ab iis in aliam societatem abstractus, loquebatur ex simplici corde, quod loqui vellet, non mecum, quia nihil possum, sed cum Domino, simplicitas inerat ejus loquelae et sermoni talis, ut scirem quod is potuisset cum Domino loqui, quia sicut loquuntur, ita sunt; indignati sunt spiritus, qui se putabant potius admitti, quia astuti, scientes, quam talis simplex homo, sicut quoque ajebant, is dein in superiorem sphaeram elevatus, et in elevatione dicebat, quod a spiritibus in via pluribus impediatur; hi itaque sunt simplices corde, et qui prae doctis, et adhuc magis prae iis qui ex se prudentes esse putant, ad Dominum admittuntur, quia credunt quod dicunt, nec in ideis eorum tale dubium et negativum est, quale in ideis eorum qui sibi ex se sapere putant. 1748, 22 Julius.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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