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《灵界经历》 第2664节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2664

2664. About government in the other life

Several times I have spoken with spirits who had something against living in the other life, and who were absorbed in things pertaining to bodily life. I said it is important for them to know what kind of government is in the kingdom of the Lord, to know who the Lord of the kingdom is, just as for someone in the world coming into a different country nothing takes priority over learning what kind of government it has and the form of its government. This applies all the more in a kingdom where they will live to eternity. Therefore they ought to be anxious to know the laws of that kingdom.

And I was further prompted to say that there are many laws here, but all are based on that Law, that they should love the Lord above themselves, and that the Lord is the ruler of the universe. This is important for them to know. To this they were able to say nothing, because in their bodily life they had learned it, but not believed it. 1748, 22 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2664


(I have sometimes spoken with spirits, to whom it was repugnant to live in another life, and who have been in those things, wherein during the life of the body, what concerns them to know [is] of what nature is government in the kingdom of the Lord, who is the Lord of the Kingdom, likewise who in the world enter the other Kingdom. They consider nothing of higher moment than knowing of what nature is the government, and the form of government particularly [magis] in the Kingdom, wherein they are to live to eternity: wherefore they ought to be anxious to know the laws of that Kingdom: and it was further given to me to say that here are many laws, but that all are based on that Law, that they love the Lord above themselves, and the neighbor as themselves, yea more than themselves: and that the Lord is the King of the Universe; this it concerns them to know: to which they were not able to say anything; because in the life of the body they had learned it, but had not believed it. - 1748, July 22.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2664 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2664. De regimine in altera vita

Aliquoties cum spiritibus loquutus sum, quibus contrarium erat, vivere in altera vita, et qui in iis fuerunt, in quibus in vita corporis, [dicens] quod interest iis scire, quale regimen in regno Domini, quis Dominus regni, sicut qui in mundo in aliud regnum veniunt, iis nihil prius est, quam scire, quale regimen, et regiminis forma, magis in regno, in quo in aeternum victuri, quare solliciti esse debeant scire leges istius regni; et porro mihi dicere datum, quod plures hic leges sint, sed quod omnes fundantur in ea Lege, ut ament Dominum supra semet, et proximum sicut semet, imo magis quam semet; et quod Dominus sit rex universi; hoc scire iis interest; ad quod nihil dicere poterant; quia in vita corporis didicerant id, sed non crediderant. 1748, 22 Julius.

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