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《灵界经历》 第2669节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2669

2669. If some motor tissue of a muscle of the thousands involved in one action could feel and think, each one would suppose that it by itself was producing the action in general, thus all out of thousands or tens of thousands. The case is similar with spirits. Even if thousands, or myriads, contribute to one idea or one word of speech, still each one supposes that it is he alone who produces it. This was said to spirits, who cannot but confirm that this is the case, although each one supposes it to be himself alone when it is not shown to them plainly - which has been done several times, this being a confirmation for the spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2669

2669. If any motive muscular fiber, out of thousands [belonging] to one action, could feel and think, each one might suppose that it alone effected the common action [actinem in communi]; thus might all amongst thousands or myriads [suppose]. It is similar with spirits; although thousands or myriads concur to [in] one idea, and [one] word of speech, yet nevertheless each supposes that it is he alone, who does [it]. This was said to spirits who cannot but confirm that the matter is so, although everyone supposes himself to be the only one [who acts] when it is not plainly shown to them, as was sometimes done. This is confirmed by spirits [confirmatio spirituum].

Experientiae Spirituales 2669 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2669. Si aliqua fibra motrix musculi ex millenis unius actionis posset sentire et cogitare, unaquaevis putaret, quod sola efficeret actionem in communi, sic omnes inter millenas, vel myriades, similiter se habet apud spiritus, tametsi milleni seu myriades concurrunt ad unam ideam, et vocem loquelae, usque tamen quilibet putat, quod is solus sit, qui facit: quod dictum spiritibus, qui non possunt non confirmare, quod ita se res habeat, quamvis unusquisque putet se esse solum, quando id non manifeste iis ostenditur, quod aliquoties factum; hoc est confirmatio spirituum.

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