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《灵界经历》 第2671节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2671

2671. All are predestined to life

There was a discussion of predestination and the fact that many hold the opinion that people are also predestined to hellish circumstances. But I was replied to out of heaven that no one has ever been predestined to hell, but that all from eternity have been predestined to eternal life. 1748, 23 July.

[2671 1/2.] 1About conviction of truths

I spoke with spirits who did not want to hear, for example, that they are nothing in respect to life and power. They said that they know this, but did not want to hear it. I was prompted to say that it is not enough to know, for this knowledge exists even with the evil.

[2671 1.3.] About conviction

You may see it said earlier [2385, 2467, 2474, 2602] that to come to truths requires knowledge, understanding, conviction, then finally inward conviction. For knowing them exists also among the wicked, but they oppose them.


1. This the following article in the original seem to have been deleted.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2671


Discourse was held [fuit] concerning predestination, that many are of the opinion, that they are predestined also to infernal [things]; but it was replied from heaven, that never is anyone predestined to hell, but that all are predestined from eternity to eternal life. - 1748, July 23).


(I spoke with spirits, who did not wish to hear, that they are as it were nothing as to life and power; they said that they knew it, but are not willing to hear it; it was granted me to tell [them] that it is not enough to know [it], for this is also given amongst [with] the [evil.])


(See [what was] said above, that for [ad] truths, is required knowledge [scientia], understanding, then persuasion, finally interior persuasion; for to know this is also given amongst [with] the evil, but they resist.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2671 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2671. Quod omnes praedestinati sint ad vitam

De praedestinatione fuit sermo, quod multi in ea opinione sint, quod praedestinati sint quoque ad infernalia, sed responsum est mihi e coelo, quod nusquam aliquis praedestinatus sit ad infernum, sed quod omnes ab aeterno praedestinati sint ad vitam aeternam. 1748, 23 Julius.

De persuasione veritatum 1

2671a. Loquutus sum cum spiritibus, qui non audire volebant, sicut quod nihili sint quoad vitam et potentiam, dicebant, quod id sciant, sed non volunt audire; dabatur mihi dicere, quod non satis sit scire, nam hoc quoque apud malos datur.

De persuasione 1

2671b. Prius videas, dictum [2474, 2385, 2467, 2602], quod ad veritates requiratur scientia, intellectus, tum persuasio demum persuasio interior, nam scire has datur etiam apud malos, sed eas adversantur.


1. hic articulus potius deletem esse apparet

1. hic articulus potius deletum esse apparet

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