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《灵界经历》 第2675节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2675

2675. About sodomy

In the other life those who are sinners of sodomy in their lifetime had believed nothing about the life after death, the existence of a hell and a heaven, but that they are entirely like wild animals, and would therefore die. Therefore they have nothing of understanding, even though they are able to reason. In the other life they are treated very miserably, being punished by hellish torments that are so dreadful that they can hardly be told. And moreover they inhabit the region of the tail, where the feces are, because they are manure, and dwell in outhouses. 1748, 25 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2675


In the other life [are they] who have committed the sin of Sodom during life. These have believed nothing concerning a life after death, and that [there is] a hell and heaven: but that they are entirely like beasts, and would die like them; wherefore they possess no intellectual [principle] although they can reason. In the other life they are treated most miserably: they are punished with infernal torments, which are so dire that they can scarcely be described; and moreover [constitute] the region of the tail [caudoe] where are the faeces: because they are dung and dwell in privies. - 1748, July 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 2675 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2675. De sodomia

In altera vita qui sodomiae peccatores sunt, ii nihil in vita crediderunt de vita post mortem, quod infernum et coelum, sed prorsus quod sint sicut bestiae, et sic morituri, quare nihil intellectuale iis, tametsi ratiocinari possint; in altera vita miserrime tractantur, cruciatibus infernalibus puniuntur, quae tam dira sunt, ut vix possint dici: et praeterea regionem caudae, ubi faeces sunt, quia sunt stercora, et in latrinis habitant. 1748, 25 Julius.

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