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《灵界经历》 第2676节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2676

2676. About spirits appearing as little fires and stars

Spirits can also be told apart among themselves, when it pleases the Lord, by their appearance as fires, or stars, little ones. The ones whose reasonings have been obscured by falsities, appear to others as red fires; those still more obscured by falsities, as coal fires; those still more, as a kind of fire that has a sickening look, so sad as to strike others with sorrow.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2676


(Spirits are also mutually distinguished amongst each other, when it pleases the Lord, by their appearance like fires, or like very small stars. Falsities obscure the rationals of those who are such [in appearance]; to others who are still more obscured by falsities there appear, as it were fires of a glowing red [rubente], like coal fires: [he] [who has] a still more [obscure appearance] than such a fire, has an aspect of one (who is nauseated) [nauseabundi]; so sad is his look that others are smitten with sorrow.

Experientiae Spirituales 2676 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2676. De apparentiis spiritibus sicut igniculi et stellae

Dignoscuntur etiam spiritus inter se mutuo, quando Domino beneplacet, per apparentiam eorum sicut ignes vel sicut stellae, parvulae; qui tales sunt, ut rationalia eorum obscurata sunt falsitatibus, apparent aliis sicut ignes rubentes; qui adhuc magis falsitatibus obscurati, sicut ignes carbonarii; qui adhuc magis, [apparent] igne tali, qui aspectus est nauseabundi, ita triste ut aliis luctum incutiant.

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