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《灵界经历》 第2684节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2684

2684. Those who occupy the region of the foot-sole, because they despise others in comparison with themselves, even though they are not evil, therefore constantly seem to be trying to surface, both through the foot into the thigh, and also above the head, as well as to the sides. But because they are such as to despise others in comparison with themselves, they have this aura as a kind of corpulence surrounding them like a dense covering round about, so that they cannot possibly struggle beyond its confines, even though they labor with much effort.

It is this aura that was poured onto the spirits like a mist [2681] when they were given the power of rising up or struggling out. It is therefore a kind of spontaneous resistance on the part of other spirits that appears around them in the form of that dense covering, which distinguishes their aura from the auras of others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2684

2684. They who occupy the region of the sole of the foot, because they despise others in comparison with themselves, to others [proe se] although they are not evil: therefore to themselves seem continually to wish to emerge as well through the foot into the thigh, as also above the head, as also to the sides, but because they are such, as [being] in a certain sort of laziness [obesitatis] despise others, in comparison with themselves [proe se] they have such a sphere as surrounds them, like a sort of gross covering [crassum tegumentum] round about [them] so that they can by no means struggle out beyond [it] although they labor with great exertion (this is the sphere which was diffused among spirits, in the shape of cloud [nimbis] when power was given them of rising up, or struggling out; wherefore there is a certain spontaneous effort as it were on the part of other spirits, who appear around them in the likeness of such a gross principle [crassamenti] which distinguishes their sphere from the sphere of others).

Experientiae Spirituales 2684 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2684. Ii qui plantae pedis regionem tenent, quia alios contemnunt prae se, tametsi non mali sunt, ideo ii continuo videntur sibi velle emergere, tam per pedem in femur, quam etiam supra caput, ut et ad latera, sed quia tales sunt, ut alios prae se contemnunt in quodam 1

genere obesitatis, sphaeram talem habent, quae circumfundit eos, sicut quoddam crassum tegumentum, circumcirca, sic ut nequaquam possunt ultra eniti, tametsi laborant cum nisu 2

. Haec sphaera est, quae diffusa in spiritus instar nimbi [2681], cum data iis copia fuit assuugendi seu enitendi, quare est renisus quidam spontaneus quasi a parte aliorum spirituum, qui apparet circum eos, instar talis crassamenti, quod discernit eorum sphaeram ab aliorum sphaeris.


1. The Manuscript has quode

2. The Manuscript has nisi

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