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《灵界经历》 第2685节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2685

2685. Thus all the different kinds, and all the species of spirits have their own aura into which none but those who are alike can enter. And the varieties of auras and their differences are so distinct from each other that one cannot enter into the others nor be mixed together with them. The Lord holds all as a whole and individually in their order, both the auras among themselves and those who are within the auras, and He distinguishes them all not only by those outward auras, but also by their inward ones, whereby they interact with the auras in heaven. 1748, 26 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2685

2685. Thus all the genera, and all the species of spirits have their spheres, amongst which none but likes can enter; and the varieties of spheres and their differences are such that they are mutually distinguished from each other, so that one cannot enter into others nor be confounded [therewith]. The Lord alone holding all in their order, in universal and singular; as well the spheres amongst each other, as those who are within the spheres - who are distinguished not only according to such exterior spheres, but also according to their interior [spheres]: from which they correspond with the spheres in heaven. - 1748, July 26.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2685 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2685. Ita omnia genera, et omnes species spirituum suas sphaeras habent, intra quas non nisi quam similes intrare possunt, et sphaerarum varietates, et earum discrimina talia sunt, ut distinguantur a se mutuo, sic ut intrare unae in alteras nequeant, nec confundi, Domino Solo universaliter et singulariter tenente omnes in suo ordine, tam sphaeras inter se, quam eos qui intra sphaeras sunt, distinguitque omnes non solum secundum sphaeras exteriores tales, sed etiam secundum interiores eorum, ex quibus correspondent sphaeris in coelo. 1748, 26 Julius.

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