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《灵界经历》 第2697节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2697

2697. An angelic one, however, which is the beginning of a mental image of inward spirits (or out of which as from its beginning is born the mental image of inward spirits), is such as to be entirely inexpressible. To me it appeared as something inexpressible, with unlimited variation, but a notion of it has several times been given me in sleep. By these images they not only think, but also speak among themselves, and they are in a light which, if it may be said, would appear to no one of mortals. It is permitted only to tell that their speech and mental images, and their resulting states of happiness are the unceasing beginnings of the speech, mental images, and states of happiness of inward spirits, and through these of the speech, mental imagery, and enjoyments of lower spirits, or of earthly humans. 1748, 28 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2697

2697. But the angelic [idea] which is the beginning [principle] [principium] of the idea of the interior spirits, or from which, as from its principle, springs the idea of interior spirits, is of as it were something, which [was] inexpressible, with indefinite variety, but the notion whereof was granted me several times in sleep: by means of such [ideas] they not only think but also speak with each other, and are in light, which ideas if they had been told, it would not appear to any mortal. It is only permitted to say that their speech and ideas and felicities hence [derived] are the continual principles of the speech, ideas and felicities of interior spirits [and] thereby of the speech, ideas and pleasantnesses of inferior spirits or of men. - 1748, July 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2697 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2697. Angelica autem, quae ideae spirituum interiorum est principium, seu ex qua ut a suo principio nascitur idea spirituum interiorum, est talis ut prorsus inexpressibilis sit, mihi apparuit sicut quoddam, quod inexpressibile, cum indefinita varietate, sed cujus notio mihi data aliquoties in somnis, per tales non solum cogitant, sed etiam loquuntur inter se, suntque in luce, quae si dici potuissent, nulli mortalium apparerent 1

; modo dicere licet, quod loquela et ideae eorum, et felicitates eorum inde, sint continua principia loquelae, idearum et felicitatum spirituum interiorum, et per hos, loquelae, idearum, et jucunditatum spirituum inferiorum, seu hominum. 1748, 28 Julius.


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