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《灵界经历》 第2698节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2698

2698. What came down from angelic [speech] into the speech of inward spirits, reaching me, seemed to me so sparse that nothing cohered, but still all things were brought back into such an order that it moved the angels, as I was also allowed to learn. From this I can be sure that whatever is imparted to a person by the Lord, however sparse it may appear to the person has a wonderful interconnection in the angelic heaven, and the effect of perfecting the person on earth. So things appear entirely different to the angels than to that person, so if people judge things from the outsides and the instabilities thereof, they can be so very mistaken. 1748, 28 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2698

2698. From an angelic speech flowing [labente] into the speech of the interior spirits, there reached me [an idea]: it seemed to me so scattered, that nothing cohered; but still everything was reduced into such order, that it affected angels, which was also granted me to know: hence I could know that the things which are insinuated in man by the Lord, although they appear so scattered to man, still in heaven form a wonderful connection, and in man [have] the effect of perfecting him. Thus things appear entirely different to angels, than to man, wherefore if man concludes from effects and their inconstancies, he is too much mistaken. - 1748, July 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2698 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2698. Ab angelica labente in interiorum spirituum loquelam ad me perveniens, videbatur [loquela] mihi ita sparsa ut nihil cohaereret, at usque reducebantur omnia in talem ordinem, ut afficeret angelos, quod quoque scire mihi dabatur, inde scire potui, quod ea quae homini insinuantur a Domino, tametsi ita sparsa appareant homini, usque quod 1

in angelico coelo sit connexio mirabilis, et in homine effectus eum perficiendi, ita aliter prorsus res apparent angelis, ac homini, quare 2

si homo ab effectibus concludit, eorumque inconstantiis, nimium fallitur. 1748, 28 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has quo

2. The Manuscript has quaere

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