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《灵界经历》 第2699节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2699

2699. About an air of supereminence and authority over others

There are those who think they stand out above others in mental ability, or knowledge, or public authority, or some other quality, and who in comparison with themselves may not despise others, but still regard them as unimportant, such as those they instruct, or of whom they are in charge. Such people may yet be humble and perform many duties to others, but still the aura of their disposition and thoughts prevails involuntarily, shining out of their least movements, their gestures, facial expressions, conversations, without them knowing it. Such people may also be humble before the Lord and have good intentions at heart. Thus it is a kind of haughtiness or arrogance distinct from the commonly known type of haughtiness or arrogance.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2699


(There are given [some] who in their mind [mente] suppose themselves supereminent to others, either from knowledge, or public authority, or something else, and do not indeed despise others in comparison with themselves, but still regard them of little account [pauci], as for instance those whom they instruct or over whom they rule: such can also be humble, and perform many offices for others, but still this sphere of their mind [animi] and thoughts prevails, which still, though they are unwilling [involuntarily], shines forth from each of their gestures, faces and speech they being ignorant thereof. Such also can be humble before the Lord, and feel at ease [well] [bene] in their heart: that it is a sort of pride or haughtiness, distinct from the pride or haughtiness commonly known. Such have been with me [Solomon], and when he was present, all the spirits were compelled to go away to a long distance off.

Experientiae Spirituales 2699 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2699. De sphaera supereminentiae, et autoritatis super alios

Dantur, qui mente sua aliis supereminere se putant, vel scientia, vel autoritate publica, vel alia re, et alios prae se, non quidem contemnunt, sed usque pauci aestimant, sicut eos, quos instruant, aut super quos dominentur, tales quoque humiles possunt esse, et aliis praestare multa officia, sed usque haec sphaera animi, et cogitationum eorum regnat, quae usque, iis invitis, elucet ex singulis eorum, tam gestibus, faciebus, loquelis, iis nescientibus. Tales etiam possunt esse humiles coram Domino, et bene sentire corde suo, ita est superbiae, seu fastus species, distincta a superbia aut fastu communiter noto.

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