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《灵界经历》 第2701节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2701

2701. About philosophic and natural truths - to whom they are of service in supporting spiritual ones

In a dream I saw a field that was full of thick and fertile grass used as fodder for animals, such as cows and horses. And at the same time in the same field appeared ripe grain, very thick, which was together with that thick grass. And this was on the other side of a river, and I understood that the river was called Euphrates (as if in Russia).

Now while in the vision of the dream I was in that field so planted beyond the Euphrates, the thought occurred to me that it would be useful if all the fields also in our land were sown with the same grass together with the standing wheat or barley. But in the dream I received the reply that if this were done in our land-on this side of the Euphrates-the land would be destroyed, while it would not in that land across the Euphrates. I saw still more things in the dream that I do not remember. When I woke up, I was thinking, what was the meaning of these things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2701


In a dream these was seen by me, a field, which was of thick [crasso] and beautiful grass, but [inserviente] for [as] food to [for] beast, for instance, oxen and horses, and, at the same time in the same field there was seen a ripe [matura] harvest, very dense [heavy], which was together with that dense grass, and this was beyond a river [fluvium], and I perceived that the river was called Euphrates: it seemed (as it were in Russia): and when I was in the vision of the dream in this field thus sown beyond the Euphrates, it came into my thought that it would be useful if all the fields in our land also were sown with a similar grass along with a harvest [crop] of wheat or barley: but it was replied to me in the dream, that if [this were done] in our land (on this side [intia] the Euphrates) that the land would be destroyed, but not so in that land across the Euphrates. More things still [yet] were seen by me, in the dream, which I do not remember. When I awoke, I thought as to what these things signified.

Experientiae Spirituales 2701 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2701. De veritatibus philosophicis et naturalibus, quibus[nam] inserviant in confirmandis spiritualibus

In somnio mihi visus ager, qui plenus erat gramine crasso et foecundo inserviente pro pabulo bestiis, sicut bovibus et equis, et simul in eodem agro, visa est messis matura, perquam densa, quae simul fuit cum gramine isto denso, et hoc erat ultra fluvium, et percepi quod fluvius vocaretur Euphrates (quasi in Russia); cumque 1

essem in visione somnii, in hoc agro ita sato, extra Euphratem, in cogitationem meam venit, quod utile foret, si omnes agri etiam in terra nostra simili gramine seminarentur 2

simul cum messe tritici vel hordei, sed in somnio mihi respondebatur, quod si in terra nostra (intra Euphratem), quod terra perderetur, at vero in terra ista trans Euphratem non ita: plura adhuc in somnio mihi visa, quorum non memini: cum evigilatus

(2702.) essem, cogitabam quid ea significarent; tandem mihi aperiebatur, quod terra trans Euphratem, sint ii qui in naturalibus et philosophicis sunt, et volunt de spiritualibus et coelestibus confirmari inde, et quod aliter non credere possint, nam in talibus sunt, ac ita cogitant, cogitationes tales sunt gramen id copiosum, in quo triticum et hordeum nascebatur satis multa copia, ut usque vix appareret gramen, et in tali terra, quae est trans Euphratem, utile sit: at vero in terris, quae intra Euphratem, nempe apud eos, qui talia non curant, et usque credunt, imo amant, tale gramen, seu foenum pro eorum bestiis, non est utile, sicut philosophica et naturalia, sed terram eorum, hoc est, mentes eorum et cogitationes, perderent: haec a coelo explicata. 1748, 29 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has Euphrates; : mihi vid autum per (quasi in Russia) cumque

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has seminaretur

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