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《灵界经历》 第2702节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2702

2702. Finally it opened up to me, namely that the land across the Euphrates are those who are absorbed in natural and philosophical [truths] and want thereby to be confirmed in spiritual and heavenly ones, and otherwise cannot believe, for they are absorbed in them and think in this fashion. Such thoughts are that prolific grass in which wheat and barley were springing up in such great abundance that the grass hardly appeared. And [it opened up to me that] in that land which is across the Euphrates, it is useful, but in the lands that are on this side of the Euphrates, namely with those who do not care for those things and nevertheless believe, and even love them, such grass or hay for their cattle, namely, philosophical and natural [truths], is not useful, but would destroy their land, that is, their minds and thoughts. These interpretations are from heaven. 1748, 29 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2702

2702. At length it was opened [revealed] to me, that the land across the Euphrates is those who are in naturals and philosophies, and wish to be confirmed thence, concerning spiritual and celestial things, and that they cannot believe otherwise: for they are in such things, and think in such a manner. Such thoughts are that plentiful grass, wherein wheat and barley grow in exceeding abundance, until the grass scarcely appeared, and is useful in such a land beyond [across] the Euphrates: but in the lands which are on this side [intra] the Euphrates, to wit, amongst those who do not care for such things, and yet believe in, yea love, such grass or hay is not useful for their beasts [cattle], that is philosophies and naturals, but they would destroy their land that is their minds and thoughts [by using it]. These things were explained from heaven. - 1748, July 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 2702 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2702. [vide 2701]

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