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《灵界经历》 第2715节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2715

2715. Moreover, this also is a truth, that outer things are ruled by inner ones, otherwise they cannot be controlled. And this is done by an order of succession from the first or inward regions. Since, therefore, the outer things are so perverse and inverted that they no longer let themselves be controlled, and are so rooted in human nature and then transplanted into posterity, it follows that such people, or such natures, do not let themselves, because they cannot, be controlled by an order of succession from the first or inward regions one after another, but that the reins have been so to speak let loose, and they are running wild, without a leader and without order. So there are other restraints, called external bonds, by which the Lord governs them, such as the fear of the loss of their life, of their wealth, of their honors and dignities, of their reputation, of punishments by the law, and the like, by which the person is finally controlled by the Lord - and thus not by internal restraints, called the bonds of conscience, consequently not by faith and its bonds, namely, the fear of punishment, the fear of evil, the love of truth and goodness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2715

2715. Moreover, this also is a truth, that externals are ruled by internals, and that otherwise they cannot be ruled, and indeed through [by] order of succession from priors or interiors. Since, therefore, externals are so perverted and inverted, as no longer to suffer themselves to be ruled; and these things are rooted in man's nature and so transplanted into posterity, it follows that man of such a quality, or [his] nature of such a quality, does not, because it is impossible, suffer [itself] to be ruled by order of succession [succedentium] from priors or interiors in order. But that the reins are, as it were, loosened, and [they] rush along without a leader, and without order. Wherefore, there are other bonds which are called external bonds, wherewith the Lord governs them, as through fear of the loss of their life, their wealth, their honors and dignities, their beauty [suoe formoe] the punishments of law, and the like, by which man is at last ruled by the Lord; and so not by internal bonds, which are called bonds of conscience; consequently, not through [by] faith, and [the things] which are its bonds, to wit, fear of punishment, fear of evil, love of the true and good.

Experientiae Spirituales 2715 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2715. Praeterea etiam hoc veritas, quod externa ab internis regantur, et quod aliter regi nequeant, et quidem per successionis ordinem, a prioribus seu interioribus. Cum itaque externa ita perversa et inversa sunt, ut amplius se regi non patiantur, et ea radicata in natura hominis, et sic transplantata in posteritatem, sequitur, quod homo talis, seu natura talis non [se] patiatur, quia non possit, regi per ordinem succedentium, a prioribus vel interioribus ordine, sed quod quasi laxatae sint habenae, et ruant absque duce, et ordine, quare alia vincula sunt, quae vocantur vincula externa, quibus Dominus eos gubernat, ut per timorem jacturae suae vitae, suarum opum, suorum honorum et dignitatum, suae famae, poenarum legis, et similia, quibus tandem homo regitur a Domino; et sic non per vincula interna, quae dicuntur vincula conscientiae, proinde non per fidem, et quae ejus sunt vincula, nempe timor poenae, timor mali, amor veri et boni.

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