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《灵界经历》 第2717节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2717

2717. It is also the same as in the Atmosphere, when it is seized by a violent storm that overturns houses, forests, ships, even though the inward atmosphere, which is its nature, is continually bringing the outward one back into equilibrium. Because there is such a great storm it is of no avail at the time, but still, working steadily and gently, it brings it back to equilibrium and rest. If this is not known to everyone, it may still be known to many and to the learned of the world. 1748, 31 July.

From this it is also clear that if people draw conclusions from outer appearances regarding inner, spiritual and heavenly things, then they begin to deny heavenly truths altogether. It is a different matter if they do so from heavenly truths.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2717

2717. It is like what happens in the atmosphere, when it is hurried along [rapitur] by a violent tempest, and overturns houses, woods, ships, although the interior atmosphere, which [is] its nature, and continually reduces the exterior to equilibrium, is then of no avail, by reason of so great a tempest, to equilibrium. This, if not known to everyone, may still be known to many and the learned of the world. - 1748, July 3. Hence also may be apparent, that if man concludes from external appearances concerning internal, spiritual, and celestial things, then he begins utterly to deny heavenly truths. [It is] otherwise if [he concludes] from heavenly truths.

Experientiae Spirituales 2717 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2717. Se habent etiam sicut in Atmosphaera, dum tempestate violenta rapitur, et 1

subvertit domos, sylvas, naves: tametsi interior atmosphaera, quae ejus natura est, quae redigit continuo in aequilibrium exteriorem, quia tanta tempestas est, nihil tunc valet, usque successive, et clementer agendo, ad aequilibrium et quietem redigit: quod si non cuivis notum, usque multis et doctis mundi, notum esse potest. 1748, 31 2

Julius. Exinde constare quoque potest, si ex apparentiis externis concludat homo de internis, spiritualibus et coelestibus, quod tunc prorsus negare incipiat veritates coelestes; aliter prorsus si ex veritatibus coelestibus.


1. legerim potius quae

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has 3

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