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《灵界经历》 第2726节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2726

2726. Today certain ones even wanted to enter into the innermost mysteries of faith, to whom I was allowed to show that this is the wrong way, and something should be believed because it is true, and if the reason does not penetrate it, or no reason is discovered, it should still be believed, and if one is discovered it should still be believed.

And I was allowed to portray to them the little seed of a tree by a symbolic mental image, saying that if they were told that that little seed produces an entire blossoming tree, which was also portrayed to them live, with branches, leaves, fruits-indeed, that such a little seed can produce even an entire field full of trees, thus if they were told that such a little seed would

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2726

2726. Today, also, certain wished to enter into the inmost mysteries of faith, to whom it was granted to show that this is a perverted way, and that we should believe because [it is] the truth, and if no reason penetrates [the mysteries of faith] or is discovered, still we should believe, and if any [reason] be discovered, still we should believe. And it was given to represent to them by a representative idea, a little seed of a tree; so that if it were said that a little seed produces a sound and blooming tree, which also was represented for them to the life, with boughs, leaves [and] fruits, yea that such a little seed can thus produce a field [campun] full of trees when they were told.

Experientiae Spirituales 2726 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2726. Hodie quidam etiam in intima mysteria fidei volebant intrare, quibus ostendere dabatur, quod haec perversa via sit, et quod credendum quia veritas, et si nulla ratio penetret seu inveniatur, usque credendum; et si aliqua inveniatur, usque credendum; et repraesentare iis dabatur seminulum arboris, per ideam repraesentativam, ut si diceretur, quod seminulum producat integram et floridam arborem, quae quoque ad vivum iis repraesentabatur, cum ramis, foliis, fructibus, imo quod tale seminulum producere sic possit integrum campum plenum arboribus, [sic] cum diceretur iis, (2727) quod tale seminulum tale produceret, et usque nihil videre possint in semine, et scire causas unde talia existant, non ideo negandum, nam demonstrata est veritas, sic credendum veritatibus a Domino dictis, et de Domino, tametsi non penetramus ratione, et ideo velle negare, quia non penetramus rationee est simile ac velle negare procreationes arborum ex seminibus; et animalium ex ovis: ita in mille aliis: inde constare potest qualis fides hominis sit, cum nihil credit nisi quod videt, quod commune est hodie, cumprimis inter doctos mundi. 1748, 3 Aug.

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