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《灵界经历》 第273节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 273

273. Continuation about those who were raised up from among the wood-cutters in the cold place

With those who were raised up from the cold place, I spoke later on. Many were also raised up afterwards, and, as they say, into the light. Actually, they are people who have been selfrighteous about good deeds, and have attributed to them the power of salvation. As for the righteousness or merit of God the Messiah, they have regarded it only as a kind of example, which they should follow, not [aware] that He Alone became righteousness for the sake of all.

After they were elevated, they came into a higher habitation, and were there instructed about the reason why they were kept in that cold place and in continuous labor; and there they seemed to themselves to be clothed in shining white garments, for so it appeared to them, because thus the imagery of their lives follows from their acquired character. They were also instructed in other matters about which they avidly received teaching, though something still persists with them at the beginning from their former fantasy, of which they say they desire most eagerly to rid themselves. These words were written in their presence. 1747, the 29th day of November.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 273


I afterwards spoke with those who were raised up out of that cold place. Many also were later elevated into the light, as they say. For they are those who have placed justice in works, and attributed the efficacy of salvation to them. As to the justice or merit of God Messiah, they regarded it only as a kind of example which they should follow, not that He alone was made justice for all. After they were raised up, they came into a certain superior habitation and were there instructed as to the cause of their being held in that cold place and in continual labor. There they also appeared to themselves to be clothed in shining white cloaks, for so it seemed to them, because their imaginative life thus follows from their acquired nature. In addition, there were other things in which also they were instructed. They receive the teaching eagerly, although at first something still inheres from the former phantasy, which they say most freely, they long for the will to put off. These things were written in their presence. 1747, Nov. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 273 (original Latin 1748-1764)

273. Continuatione de iis qui elevati sunt ex lignariis in loco frigido

Cum iis qui elevati sunt e loco frigido, postea loquutus sum, plures etiam postea, elevati sunt, ac ut dicunt in lucem, sunt enim ii qui in operibus posuerunt justitiam, ac tribuerunt iis efficaciam salvationis; quod Dei Messiae justitiam seu meritum attinet, spectarunt modo ut quoddam exemplum, quod sequerentur, non quod Ipse Solus pro omnibus justitia factus; postquam elevati sunt, in superiorem quandam mansionem venerunt, ac ibi instructi de causa quod in loco isto frigido inque labore continuo tenerentur, ac ibi sibi videbantur indui amiculis candidis, ita enim sibi videbantur, quia eorum vitae imaginativae, ex comparata indole, ita consequuntur, praeter alia, in quibus etiam instructi sunt, [de quibus] arripuerunt doctrinam. quamvis usque inhaeret aliquid in principio a phantasia priori, quam exuere velle se libentissime dicunt desiderare. Haec in praesentia eorum scripta sunt. 1747, die 29 Nov.

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