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《灵界经历》 第272节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 272

272. About a certain one let down into the lower place, who was finally raised up

A certain one who had been let down into the lower place was finally being raised up, but on the way he labored very hard and struggled with the greatest exertion and labor to ascend, but for a long time it was in vain. From this, I was able to infer that an ascent and raising up comes through God the Messiah, Who Alone releases the miserable from the pit, and elevates and bears them into the heavens.

I spoke with this person while he was laboring, and after he was allowed to emerge from the place of the lower ones; so the truth of this has been witnessed to by actual experience. 1747, the 27th or 28th of November.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 272


A certain [spirit] who had been let down into the place of lower things was at length raised up; but on the way he labored very hard and endeavored with the utmost assiduity and labor to ascend, but for a long time in vain. From this I could conclude that ascent and elevation are by God Messiah, Who alone releases the miserable from the pit, elevates them, and carries them into the heavens. I spoke with that spirit when he was laboring, and after it had been granted him to emerge from the place of lower things, so that the truth was testified by living experience. 1747, Nov. 27 or 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 272 (original Latin 1748-1764)

272. De quodam qui in inferiorem locum demissus, tandem elevaretur

Quidam in locum inferiorum demissus, tandem elevabatur, sed in via is admodum laborabat, nitebaturque summo studio et labore ascendere, sed diu incassum, ex quo concludere potui, quod ascensus sit ac elevatio per Deum Messiam, Qui Solus miserabiles ex fovea exsolvit, et elevat, inque coelos attollit; cum eodem loquebar, cum laborabat, et postquam ei concessum erat, emergere ex inferiorum loco, sic ut veritas per vivam experientiam contestata sit. 1747, die 27 vel 28 Nov.

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