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《灵界经历》 第2733节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2733

2733. But that conclusion is not at all valid. To human beings it is given by the Lord to be as if active, and as if able on their own, so that sometimes they do not know they are not acting from themselves, so they should not fall into that opinion. When they hold that opinion they do nothing, and no accomplishment can be accounted to them, consequently they cannot be reformed. But the power they receive from the Lord, when the Lord so operates in them, they should direct on their own, yet still believe when they think about it that the power is not theirs, but the Lord's. This too is a part of faith. 1748, 4 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2733

2733. But such a conclusion is of no value. The Lord grants to man to be, as it were, active, and to be, as it were, adequate of himself, so that sometimes he knows no other than that [he acts] of himself. Wherefore, man ought not to fall into that opinion; when he is in that opinion he then does nothing, and no effect can be imputed to him, therefore he cannot be reformed. But the strength which he receives [is] from the Lord, and when the Lord thus operates in him, he then should strive from himself; but still to believe, when he thinks of these things, that the strength is not his but the Lord's. This also is a [the] part of faith. - 1748, August 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 2733 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2733. Sed talis conclusio nihil valet, homini a Domino datur, quasi activus sit, et quasi ex se possit, sic ut quandoque non sciat aliter, quam quod ex semet, quare debet homo non in eam opinionem labi, cum in ea opinione est, tunc nihil agit, et nullus effectus ei imputari potest, proinde non reformari; sed vires, quas accipit a Domino, et tunc cum Dominus ita operatur in eo, intendere debet a se, sed credere usque, dum cogitat de iis, quod vires non ejus sint, sed Domini; hoc quoque est pars fidei. 1748, 4 Aug 1



1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has Julius

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