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《灵界经历》 第2734节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2734

2734. This matter is just as hidden from the earthly person who is not led by the Lord, as is the inner sight spoken of earlier [1988]. That type of conclusion, opinion, and reflection causes the Lord not to operate and the person not to be reformed, but to be in the state of a non-being. Neither can people arrive at conviction except by the Lord's working as if through their power. This is how the Lord convinces a person. Otherwise the Word becomes mere knowledge and like miracles, has no effect.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2734

2734. This thing is as hidden from the natural man who is not led by the Lord, as is perception; whereof [I have treated] previously, only such induced belief [inductio], opinion and reflection, causes that the Lord does not operate, and man is not reformed, but that he is in a state of nonentity. Nor can man come into persuasion save by the Lord's operation through his [own] strength as it were. Hence the Lord persuades man, otherwise the word becomes mere knowledge, and produces no effect, just like miracles.

Experientiae Spirituales 2734 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2734. Haec res tam abscondita est ab homine naturali, qui non ducitur a Domino, ac est perceptio de qua prius [vide 1988], sola talis inductio, opinio et reflexio, facit, ut Dominus non operetur, et homo reformetur, sed quod sit in statu non entis, nec venire potest homo in persuasionem, nisi operatione Domini, tanquam per vires ejus, inde persuadet Dominus, homini, aliter Verbum fit modo scientia, nec effectum habet 1

, sicut miracula.


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