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《灵界经历》 第2735节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2735

2735. Everything of human life streams in from the Lord

Spirits around me were insisting that it was they individually that aroused life in themselves, supposing that they aroused the objects of thought and so, lived from themselves. But I was prompted to tell them that nothing stirs up thought if there is not an object, so this happens through the eye and the ear, and then from the memory-otherwise there would be a confusion of everything - and that these objects can come from no other source than the one only fountain of life, the Lord, and that they are varied according to the natural characters of the spirits. From one to the other there pass the objects of ideas, or mental imagery, so that they suppose them to be from the others and from themselves, which is most false. The eye cannot see without light, nor the ear hear without sound, and so on. 1748, 4 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2735


Spirits around me insisted that they each were [those] who excited life in [apud] themselves: they supposed that they excited the objects of thoughts, and thus live of themselves; but it was granted to tell them that nothing moves [stirs at] the thought unless it be an object, thus through the eye and ear, [and] so from the memory; otherwise confusion of everything would result: and that these objects could come from nowhere else than from the Lord, the only fountain of life, and that they are varied according to their natural dispositions; so the objects of ideas, consequently ideas, pass from one to another; hence they suppose that [it proceeds] from others, and that [it proceeds] from themselves, which is most false. The eye cannot see without light, nor the ear hear without sound and so forth. - 1748, August 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 2735 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2735. Quod omnia vitae hominis influant a Domino

Spiritus circum me instabant, quod ii singuli essent, qui excitarent vitam apud se, putantes quod excitarent objecta cogitationum, et sic quod viverent ex se, sed iis dicere dabatur, quod nihil cogitationem movet nisi objectum sit, ita per oculum, et aurem, ita ex memoria, aliter oriretur confusio omnium, et quod haec objecta, non aliunde venire possint, quam ab unico fonte vitae, a Domino, et quod varientur secundum naturales indoles eorum, sic ut ab uno ad alterum transeant objecta idearum, proinde ideae, inde putant quod ab aliis, et quod a semet, quod falsissimum; non videre potest oculus absque luce, non audire auris absque sono, et sic porro. 1748, 4 Aug.

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