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《灵界经历》 第2744节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2744

2744. Let me tell, as one instance, of a time when I was asleep at night. Such spirits were sitting by and with their poisonous cunning spoke with those others who were around as though it were I, as if it were my talking, and in fact so similar to it that they led many to believe it was I. And so they love to convince people of lies and destroy truths, doing so with such skill that spirits even more subtle who were at some distance from me were convinced, thinking it was I. It is all the same to them whether it is profane or holy things they use as means to obtain their goals.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2744

2744. It may be proper to narrate a single instance: When I was asleep at night, such [spirits] stood by, and by their deadly arts [practiced] upon those who were around; they spoke with others as if it was I, with my speech as it were, and indeed so similar that they induced many to believe that it was I: and thus they love to induce a persuasion of what are falsehoods, and to destroy what things are true, yea, with such ingenuity that spirits even more subtle, who were at a distance from me were persuaded and supposed it was I: and it is the same to them, by what means profane or sacred they obtain [their ends].

Experientiae Spirituales 2744 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2744. Sicut unum narrare liceat, cum dormivi nocte, tales assidebant, et suis veneficis artibus cum iis qui circum fuerunt, loquuti sunt cum aliis, tanquam ego essem {a}, mea quasi loquela, et quidem tam simili, ut plures induxerint credere quod ego essem; et sic persuadere amant quae mendacia sunt, et destruere quae vera, et quidem cum tali solertia, ut spiritus etiam subtiliores, qui ad distantiam a me fuerint, persuasi putaverint me esse, et iis perinde est, sive prophana sive sancta sint, quibus mediis obtineant.

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