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《灵界经历》 第2745节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2745

2745. They are extremely proud of being able to be subtle spirits and be within the realm of speech or the realm of thoughts within the speech where inward spirits are, since in that realm there are innumerable spirits, as you may see mentioned earlier [2534-8, 2565-2566]. So they are able to transfer themselves by an art unknown in the life of the body and yet inborn to them by an almost constant straining in the life of the body to transfer themselves into that inward realm, and thereby to free themselves from the company of those in the outward realm. See what was said earlier about that inward realm [2565-2575, 2577-2580], and there are very many more particulars unknown to me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2745

2745. They are exceedingly proud of this, that they can be subtle, and within the sphere of speech, or in the sphere of thoughts within speech, wherein are interior spirits, since [when] in that sphere are innumerable [spirits] as you may see above. They can transmit [transfer] themselves in such a manner, by an art unknown in the life of the body, but still innate in them, through almost continual intentions in the life of the body, that they can transmit themselves into that inferior sphere, and thus remove themselves from the society of those who are in the exterior sphere. Concerning that interior sphere see above: and there are many things [besides] [concerning it] which are unknown to me.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2745 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2745. Hoc maxime superbiunt, quod subtiles esse possint, et intra sphaeram loquelae, seu in sphaera cogitationum intra loquelam, in qua sunt spiritus interiores, cum in sphaera ista innumerabiles sint, ut prius videas [2534-2538, 2565-2566]; ita transmittere se possunt, arte in vita corporis ignota, sed usque iis innata per intentiones continuas fere in vita corporis, ut se transmittere possint in sphaeram istam interiorem, et sic se eximere a societate eorum qui in sphaera exteriori sunt. De sphaera ista interori videas prius [2565-2575, 2577-2580], et perplura sunt, quae mihi ignota.

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