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《灵界经历》 第2752节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2752

2752. From an actual experiment shown to me last night I learned that spirits can speak from an earthly human being-from a person's outermost or material memory, and from a person's earthly memory - even though he or she does not know that it is so happening. For while I slept a spirit who was at the left side of my head at the time spoke as though it came from me, so much so that the spirits did not know at all otherwise but that I was awake, and that I was speaking, of which they were convinced. From that I was enabled to conclude that spirits can speak from a person, out of both those memories, even though the person is not at all aware of it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2752

2752. [I can declare] from living experience, shown me this night, that spirits can speak from man, [from] his outmost or natural memory, and his natural memory, although man knows not at all that it so happens: for when I slept, a spirit spoke, who was then on the left side of my hand, as if from me, so that spirits knew no other than that I was awake, and was speaking, so that they were persuaded. Hence it is granted to conclude, that spirits can speak from man, out of each memory of his, although man knows nothing at all [about it].

Experientiae Spirituales 2752 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2752. Ab experientia viva, quae hac nocte mihi ostensa est [didici], quod spiritus loqui possint ex homine, ejus memoria extima seu materiali, et ex ejus memoria naturali, tametsi homo nihil novit, quod ita fiat, nam dum dormivi, loquutus est spiritus, qui tunc a latere sinistro capitis erat, sicut ex me, adeo, ut spiritus prorsus nihil aliud noverint, quam quod vigil essem, et ego loquerer 1

, sic ut persuaderentur; exinde concludere datum est, quod spiritus ex homine loqui possint, ex ejus memoria utraque, tametsi homo nihil prorsus sciat.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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