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《灵界经历》 第2762节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2762

2762. On the regeneration of physical and material elements of an earthly

human or a spirit, and how these are portrayed

When the physical and material elements that are the lowermost of a human being have finally submitted to the good pleasure of the Lord, so as not to appear at all, but are as if obedient, they are portrayed in the world of spirits as was shown to me, first, as if they were intestinal shapes stuck together by a convergence of many, but without life, the shapes having become of a wooden or bony brown color.

In those who are deceitful, however, when examined by the angels, these shapes appear as converging snakes of different kinds, depending on the nature of the deceit.

But in humans who are being reformed they do not appear as snakes, but only pieces of wood and bone converging in about the same way, because their body or bodily elements are beginning to be nothing, thus without life. These things were portrayed and shown to me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2762


Since corporeal and material [things] which are man's ultimates, are at length subordinated to the Lord's good pleasure, so that they appear nothing but obedient [they] are represented in the world of spirits as was shown me. At first that [they] are, as it were, intestinal forms, conglutinated by various conflux, but without life; thus [have] become as it were of a woody or osseous brownish [brunei] color. But in those who are deceitful, when [they] are inspected by the angels, there appear as it were other confluxes of serpents of various kinds, according to the nature of the deceit. But in man that is to be reformed [reformando] [there appear] no serpents, but only wood [ligna] or bones, thus almost confluents, because his body or corporeal begins to be nothing, thus [is] without life. These [things] are represented and shown to me.

Experientiae Spirituales 2762 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2762. De regeneratione corporeorum seu materialium hominis seu spiritus, quomodo representantur

Cum corporea et materialia, quae ultima sunt hominis, tandem subordinata sunt beneplacito Domini, ut nihil appareant, sed quasi obedientia, repaesentantur in mundo spirituum sicut mihi ostensum: primum quod sint tanquam formae intestinales, conglutinatae vario confluxu; sed absque vita, ita factae sicut ligneae aut osseae brunei coloris. At vero in iis qui sunt dolosi, cum inspiciuntur ab angelis, apparent tales 1

quasi confluxus serpentum varii generis, secundum naturam doli; at in homine reformando non serpentes, sed modo ligna aut ossa, ita fere confluentia, quia corpus ejus seu corporea, incipiunt nihil esse, ita absque vita: haec mihi repraesentata sunt et ostensa: tum quoque

(2763.) parva conglutinatio similium quasi bacillorum parvorum juxta caput ostensa est, quae erat aurata, seu extrinsecus auro abducta, quae significant ejus ratiocinia. Cum autem corporea reformata sunt, sic ut obedire possint spiritualibus, tunc repraesentantur pulchre, vario contextu concinno, nempe primum coloris coerulei, cum spiris in varias formas pulchras concinnatis 2

; quae colorata erant passim coeruleis maculis; hoc spirulum considebat in formas; postea forma talium spirarum magis cohaerens, in pulchras formas, ex minutis spiris, quasi contextus formarum in (spetzar {a},) sed in solido, postea quoque aliae formae magis continuatae, ita repraesentantur corporea seu materialia hominis regenerati, cum inspiciuntur ab angelis. Haec mihi ostensa sunt, sed formas et picturas, non describere possum, nam ex minutis ita conflatae. Pingi quidem possunt, sed ad captum non dessribi. 1748, 8 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has talis

2. m.s concinatis

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