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《灵界经历》 第2763节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2763

2763. Then also a small bunch of similar small stick-like shapes was shown near the head, which were gilded, or covered with gold leaf, symbolizing their reasonings.

But when their bodily elements have been reformed so that they can obey spiritual ones, then they are portrayed beautifully by a pleasing weaving together of many, namely, first of a sky blue color, with spires neatly arranged in various beautiful patterns that were colored here and there with blue spots, this little spire settling down into patterns. Afterwards the pattern of these spires became more connected into beautiful patterns of tiny spires, like the weaving together of patterns in (spetzar 1), but densely. Later there were other more extended patterns portraying the physical or material elements of a regenerated person, when examined by angels. These things were shown to me, but I am unable to describe the patterns and pictures, for they were too intricately composed. They can be pictured, to be sure, but not described to the point of understanding. 1748, 8 Aug.


1. Swedish for "lace."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2763

2763. Then was also shown near the head a small conglutination of similar sticks, as it were little sticks which were gilded or externally covered over with gold, which signify his ratiocinations [ratiocinia]. But when corporeals are reformed, so that they can obey spirituals, then they were beautifully represented by various contexture neatly arranged [concinno] to wit, at first of a blue color with points [spicio], arranged into various beautiful forms, which were covered here and there with blue spots. This little point [sciculum] were set [considebat] into the forms. Afterward [was shown] a more coherent form of such points [arranged] into beautiful forms [composed] of minute points, as it were a contexture into [spetzen]; but in a solid; afterwards also other forms more continuous. Thus are represented the corporeals or material [things] of the regenerated man, when inspected by the angels. These things were shown me, but I cannot describe the forms and pictures, for [they were] composed out of minute [points]. They can indeed be pictured, but not described to the apprehension. - 1748, August 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 2763 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2763. [vide 2762]

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