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《灵界经历》 第2770节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2770

2770. Moreover the innermost soul of brutes by which they are borne along lies in the realm of the understanding part of our mind, which is inborn with them, and not developed as with the human being. Therefore, depending on their innate form, they are such as are their kinds and species. The inflow into their souls is also from heaven, but it is only a universal urge that acts according to the forms of their souls, so that they also are moved by marriage love and the love of offspring. Also they know countless things from nature-think of bees, and the rest-that human beings can never know from all their sciences. 1748, 8 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2770

2770. Moreover the inmost soul of brutes is in the sphere of our intellectual mind by which [inmost soul] they are moved [feruntur] which is born with them and not formed as in man: wherefore according to their form they are of such a sort as are the genera and species of their [souls]. The influx into their souls is also from heaven, but only the universal conatus, which acts according to the forms of their souls: wherefore they are also affected with conjugial love and storge: moreover they know innumerable things from nature, like bees and other [animals], which man can never know by all his sciences. - 1748, August 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 2770 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2770. Praeterea intima brutorum anima est in sphaera mentis nostrae intellectualis, per quam feruntur, quae iis connascitur, nec formatur sicut in homine, quare secundum formam eorum tales sunt, qualia eorum genera et species. Influxus in eorum animas quoque est a coelo, sed modo conatus universalis, qui agit secundum formas animarum eorum, quare etiam afficiuntur amore conjugiali, et storge, tum sciunt innumera ex natura, sicut apes et reliqua, quae homo nusquam per omnes suas scientias nosse potest. 1748, 8 Aug.

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