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《灵界经历》 第2773节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2773

2773. I was told that their dwelling under the sole of the right foot is just dirtiness, where there is nothing but rubbish and filth, in which they finally live. There are very many different types of their life, [which consists in] carrying filthy sewage, and many other kinds of filth, for these are what correspond to their kind of life in the world. 1748, 9 Aug. These things answer to a luxurious life in the world combined with inward cunning, looking only to self and the world. There reside many of the most famous men and women, who had been the most highly regarded of all. There is the smell there of different types of filth, matching the kinds and species of their life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2773

2773. (It was related to me, that their lodgings, under the sole of the right foot, are merely filthy [sordida], where there is nothing but rubbish and filth [sordes], wherein at last they live. The varieties of their life are very many, accompanied by [portantes] excrementitious filth and many other things; for these are what correspond to such a life in the world. - 1748, August 9. Such things correspond [respondent] to a delicate life in the world; [a life] conjoined with interior craftiness that regards only self and the world. There pass their time [degunt] many of the most celebrated, and men and women [qui et quoe] who have been most highly esteemed above others. An offensive smell [foetor] of filth, differing according to the genera and species of [their] life [prevails] [est] there.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2773 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2773. Mihi narratum, quod domicilium eorum sub planta pedis dextri sint modo sordida, ubi nihil nisi quisquiliae et sordes sunt, in quibus tandem vivunt; varietates eorum vitae sunt perplures, portantes sordes excrementitias, et plura alia, nam ea sunt, quae correspondent vitae tali in mundo. 1748, 9 Aug. Talia respondent vitae delicatae in mundo, conjunctae cum astu interiori, spectante solum se et mundum; ibi degunt plures ex celebratissimis et qui et quae prae aliis aestimatissimae fuerunt; est ibi foetor sordium diversarum, secundum vitae genera et species.

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