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《灵界经历》 第2774节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2774

2774. About those who join company during bodily life

Those who associate together during the life of the body find one another in the other life and want to be associated in the same way, even if they are of unlike mind. But then their thoughts come into the open and their nature asserts itself. Therefore, groups that had joined together in bodily life, when they are dissimilar in mind and had done so from a variety of motives, are very troublesome, and behave according to their inward thoughts. Those whom they had hated in their thought in the world even while outwardly pretending [friendship] for worldly motives, are exceedingly tormented because of their association in the other life, for sometimes they cannot be released from them except after a long period of time-from all of which numerous further points can be deduced. These things have been shown and told to me through actual experience. 1748, 9 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2774


They who in the life of the body form [ligant] association, meet with each other, in the other life, and wish to be similarly associated, although in mind [animo] they are dissimilar, but their thoughts are then patent, and [their] nature acts. Wherefore the associations formed [ligatoe] in the life of the body, when minds [animi] are unlike, and for various ends, are very troublesome, and act according to their interior thoughts. Their association [with those] whom in the world they hated in thought, although they dissimulated in externals, on account of worldly ends, in the other life exceedingly torments [them]: sometimes they can scarcely be disjoined [dissolvi] therefrom for a long space of time. Hence very many conclusions may be drawn. These things were shown me by living experience, and [also] told me. - 1748, August 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 2774 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2774. De iis cum quibus ligatur societas in vita corporis

Qui in vita corporis ligant societates, in altera vita se inveniunt, et similiter sociari volunt, tametsi dissimiles sunt animo, sed tunc cogitationes eorum patent, et natura agit, quare societates ligatae in vita corporii, cum dissimiles animi sunt, et propter varios fines, valde molestae sunt, et secundum interiores eorum cogitationes agunt; quos in mundo odio habuerunt cogitatione, tametsi externis simularunt, ob fines in mundo, [ii] ex eorum societate in altera vita perquam cruciantur, nam quandoque vix nisi post longum temporis tractum dissolvi ab iis possunt; inde concludi possunt permulta; haec mihi per vivam experientiam ostensa sunt, et dicta sunt. 1748, 9 Aug.

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