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《灵界经历》 第2777节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2777

2777. About those who consider worship to consist in externals only, and therefore live confidently

There were certain spirits who had been among the worst, because their inner aura, that of their intentions and motives, regarded nothing but the world and themselves. Their persuasive aura was discussed earlier [2764-2765], namely that they had lived only for themselves and indulged their inclinations, despising all others compared with themselves, and whatever of goodness there was in others they either failed to understand or despised as something worthless. When their life was examined, it was found that during their bodily life they had lived in externals in regard to worship in a way that nothing could be faulted. They had attended church regularly, had gone to the holy supper at the appointed time, abstaining from outer, worldly

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2777


Certain spirits, who have been [were] amongst the worst, because their interior sphere, or [that] of intentions or ends, [only regarded] the world and self, concerning whose persuasive sphere it has been previously treated, to wit, that they only lived for self and indulged inclination [genio] despising all others in comparison with themselves, and whatever good was in [at] others, either did not apprehend, or despised as worthless. When their life was examined, it was found, that in the life of their body they have lived in externals, as regards worship, so as not to be blamed: to wit, that they have frequented the place of worship (temple), have gone, at stated times, to the holy supper; on the preceding evening and day, when they have gone to the supper, have abstained in externals, from worldly things,

Experientiae Spirituales 2777 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2777. De iis qui in externis solis ponunt cultum, et sic secure vivunt

Quidam spiritus, qui inter pessimos fuerunt, quia interior eorum sphaera, seu intentionum aut finium nihil nisi quam pro mundo et pro semet--de 1

quorum sphaera persuasiva prius [2764-2765] actum est, quod nempe solum vixerint sibi et indulserint genio, omnes alios prae se contemnentes, et quicquid boni apud alios fuit, vel non capientes, vel contemnentes pro vili--cum 2

eorum vita examinata est, compertum est, quod ii in vita corporis sui vixerint in externis, quoad cultum, ut nihil culpari potuerit, nempe quod frequentaverint templum, quod ad sacram coenam stato tempore iverint, vespera praecedente et die quo

(2778.) iverint ad sacram coenam abstinuerint in externis, a mundanis, et sic postea similes fuerint, ac prius, ita contenti, quod hoc fecerint, nec quicquam ulterius cogitaverint, quid discerent in templo, quid secum haberet sancta coena, et sic porro in ritibus externis: tales usque in altera vita, fuerunt inter pessimos, nam intentionum et finium eorum sphaera fuit talis, sicut dictum: inde quid faciat frequentatio praedicationum, et sacrae coenae, solum ex ritu, ut appareant, concludi potest, nempe quod [haec] tales faciant securos, ut sic securius vivere possint, et confirmari in pessima illa vita.


1. The Manuscript has semet, de

2. The Manuscript has vili; cum

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