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《灵界经历》 第2776节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2776

2776. Evil has its punishment within itself, and in fact, one of retaliation

It has occurred many times that when anything evil had happened to spirits, they attributed it to the one from whom the evil [came], not to themselves [see also 2438-2439]. To this I was as often prompted to say that they are the causes of that evil, which they did not understand because they viewed it as having arisen from someone else as the cause, and happening to them.

Today likewise this was demonstrated to them, when someone had actually directed an evil [toward me], the same evil was then bent back from me to him. When he ascribed it to me, I was likewise inspired to say that not I, but he, had done the evil to himself, even though it appears otherwise. And then by a spiritual mental image I was enabled to show this to him, namely that through spirits near [him] and then by those farther away, his evil, which he is actually aiming [at me], turns itself around, and was finally seen to be bent back toward him by those spirits who are with me, as if it had been done by me. For this reason he ascribed it to me. When this was shown them by a spiritual mental image, they all said with one mouth that this had been made so clear to them that they fully realized that evil returns in this way to him who actually aims it. As for myself, I could do nothing else but go along, so it did appear as if it came from me. 1748, 9 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2776


It happened many times that spirits supposed, when any evil has happened to them, they should attribute it to him from whom the evil [came] [and] not to themselves. To whom it was as often granted to say that they are the causes of that evil. This they have not understood, because they saw that [the evil] sprung from another as a cause and happened to them. This day it was also demonstrated to them, that when anyone intends evil in act [actualiter], then the like is reflected from me on him: which when he imputed to me, it was likewise although it appears otherwise, and then it was given to show him by spiritual idea this (to wit: that his evil which he actually intends, rolls [volvate se] through spirits who [are] around, thus [through] those who are further and further from him away, and at length from those who [were] with me, seemed to be reflected, as if from me. Wherefore he imputed [it] to me. This was shown them in spiritual idea. They all said with one voice [uno ore] that this was done so plainly to them, that they could quite perceive, that evil thus returns upon him who actually intends [it]: for, as respects myself, I could do no other than follow [the rest]: hence it appeared as from me. - 1748, August 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 2776 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2776. Quod malum in se habeat poenam, et quidem talionis

Factum multoties est, quod spiritus putaverint, quod cum aliquod mali acciderit iis, quod attribuerint ei a quo malum, non sibi [vide etiam 2438-2[439]; cui {a} toties dicere datum, quod ii sint causae mali istius, quod non intellexerunt, quia videbant, quod ab alio ut a causa, oriretur 1

et iis accideret: hodie quoque iis demonstratum est, cum aliquis malum actualiter intendit, tunc a me reflexum est simile in eum, quod cum mihi imputaret, similiter dicere dabatur, quod non ego, sed is sibi malum fecerit, tametsi aliter appareat, et tunc per ideam spiritualem, id ei ostendere dabatur, nempe quod malum ejus quod actualiter intendit, per spiritus qui circum sic ab iis qui longius absint 2

, volvat se, et tandem ab iis qui apud me, sicut a me, reflecti videbatur in eum, quare mihi imputabat, quod cum idea spirituali eis ostensum est, dicebant omnes uno ore, quod hoc tam manifestum iis factum, ut prorsus perceperint, quod malum redeat sic in eum, qui actualiter intendit, nam quod me attinet, non potui aliter quam sequi, inde apparuit sicut a me. 1748, 9 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has orireretur

2. The Manuscript has absit

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