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《灵界经历》 第2796节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2796

2796. About ambition

I spoke with spirits, [asking] who are there in the world but those striving after great things. I was prompted to say that because love of the neighbor no longer exists in the world, the ambition to stand out by various means has taken its place. For what used to arouse people to do good was love of the neighbor, but since this is no more, the ambition to do great things has taken its place, by means of which people are bent by the Lord toward doing good to the neighbor, to society, and to the commonwealth. 1748, 12 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2796


I spoke with spirits [as to] what is to happen since in the world [men] strive after great things. It was granted to tell them that inasmuch as love of the neighbor is no longer given in the world, in its place has succeeded ambition of becoming eminent in various ways: for love of the neighbor was what should excite man to do good, but because there is none any longer, in place thereof is the ambition of doing great things, whereby man is bonded by the Lord to do good to the neighbor, societies, and the commonwealth. - 1748, August 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 2796 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2796. De ambitione

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus, qui sint, quin grandia affectent in mundo, quibus dicere dabatur, quod, quia amor proximi non detur amplius in mundo, loco ejus successerit ambitio, per varia eminendi, nam quod excitaret hominem ad bonum faciendum, esset amor proximi, sed quum nullus amplius, est ambitio magna faciendi, loco ejus, per quam 1

flectitur homo a Domino, ad faciendum bonum proximo, societatibus, et communi. 1748, 12 Aug.


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