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《灵界经历》 第2797节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2797

2797. About good spirits in the inward world of spirits

There are, as may be seen above ([2565-2575]), evil spirits in the inward world, and there are also good spirits, but they do not communicate except at the Lord's good pleasure. When they were speaking among themselves, I could not understand anything. To me it was like a pleasant silence together with the perception that they were speaking among themselves. When in my dream evil spirits of the inward world brought in falsities, the good spirits were annoyed, not knowing otherwise than that they came from me. When I awoke, so that they might know that it came and what came from evil spirits, I spoke with them in the silence. So not a thing from the realm of evil spirits reaches them except at the Lord's good pleasure. 1748, 12 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2797


There are, as may be seen above, evil spirits in the interior world [of spirits]: there are also good spirits [therein]: but they do not communicate with each other, unless it please the Lord. When these spoke together, I could not understand anything: but there was to me as it were a pleasant silence with the perception that they were speaking with each other. When in a dream evil spirits of the interior world [of spirits] induced things that were false, the good spirits were distressed [vexabantur], not knowing other than that [it came] from me. When I awoke then in order that they might know which and what [quod et quid] [came] from evil spirits, I spoke with them in silence, so that not anything from the sphere of evil spirits reached them, unless of the Lord's good pleasure. - 1748, August 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 2797 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2797. De spiritibus bonis, qui in interiori mundo spirituum

Sunt, ut videatur prius [2565-2575], spiritus mali in interiori mundo, sunt quoque spiritus boni, sed non communicant inter se, nisi ad beneplacitum Domini; cum loquerentur hi inter se, non potui intelligere quicquam, sed erat mihi ut silentium jucundum, cum perceptione, quod loquerentur inter se; cum in somnio spiritus interioris mundi mali, inducerent ea quae falsa erant, spiritus boni vexabantur, non aliter scientes, quam quod ex me; cum evigilatus, tunc ut scirent quod et quid a spiritibus malis, loquutum cum iis in silentio, ita non quicquam e sphaera spirituum malorum ad eos pervenit, nisi ex beneplacito Domini. 1748, 12 Aug.

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