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《灵界经历》 第2799节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2799

2799. 1How human speech is controlled by spirits

I have sometimes been surprised that I had not noticed my speaking, like my thought, being determined by spirits. Today I was given to learn that the thoughts and will of a person are directed by the Lord through spirits, and that the speech follows from the thought according to the mental images of the thoughts, the speech being a natural consequence, resulting from order. Whatever is according to order is not [controlled] as directly through spirits as thought and will.


1. 2798 is wanting in the original.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2799


I sometimes wondered that I have not perceived that my speech was determined through spirits just like [as] my thought. It was today granted me to know, that the thoughts and will of man are directed by the Lord through spirits, and that speech follows from thought, according to the ideas of thoughts, and that speech is a natural consequence which follows in order whatever is according to order. This is not so directly [immediately] effected through spirits as the thoughts and will.

Experientiae Spirituales 2799 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2799. Quomodo loquela hominis regitur per spiritus


. Miratus sum quandoque, quod non perceperim, quod per spiritus loquela mea determinata sit, sicut cogitatio, hodie scire mihi datum est, quod cogitationes et voluntas hominis per spiritus dirigatur a Domino, et quod loquela sequatur ex cogitatione, secundum cogitationum ideas, et quod loquela sit consequens naturale, quod ex ordine sequitur; quicquid secundum ordinem, hoc non per spiritus ita immediate [regitur], sicut cogitatio et voluntas.


1. 2798 deest

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