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《灵界经历》 第2801节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2801

2801. What the spirits are like today who are coming from the world

By much and lengthy experience I have been shown that the spirits coming out of the world at this day are so ensnared by the worst evils, that it cannot go on, as I was shown today also. A lovely and innocent little child was displayed to my sight when my eyes were closed, whereupon spirits were very slightly given rein so they would reveal what they are like. Then I clearly discerned there were those who wanted to kill, some to trample, some to treat in a disgraceful manner, the one thus and the other so, acting in many ways against the innocent, these being their thoughts and inward urges.

I said that these do not appear in common life, and was told that their interiors are now beginning to be such, and that if civil laws did not restrain them, they would rush into crimes like these. And unless it is in their interest for the sake of profit and honors, or their reputation, conscience is functioning little if at all today.

So the last times of the world are at hand. Some of these spirits are laughing at these words, as was also shown, laughing at being such as they are, and laughing because it is said the last times are at hand. 1748, 12 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2801


It has been shown me by much and long experience that spirits who come from the world are so ensnared by the worst evils that they can never subsist, which today was also shown. There was presented before the sight a fair and innocent infant, with eyes closed, and then a slight remission was granted to spirits, so that their quality might appear. It was then plainly perceived that there were [such as] wished to kill, to trample under foot, to treat in an infamous manner [this infant], and one in this way and another in that: thus [would act] in many ways against innocent [ones]. These things were their thoughts and interior conatus. I have said that such things do not appear in general life. It was said that their interiors now begin to be of such a nature, and unless civil laws held [them] in bonds they would rush into the like crimes, as also that unless they were concerned as to their gains and honors, consequently their reputation, conscience would have little or any effect at this day. Wherefore the last times of the world are at hand. Certain spirits laugh at such things, as was also shown; they laugh that they are so, and laugh at its being said that the last times are at hand. - 1748, August 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 2801 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2801. Quales hodie spiritus, qui e mundo veniunt

Per multam et diutinam experientiam ostensum mihi, quod spiritus, qui hodie e mundo veniunt, sint ita inescati malis pessimis, ut nusquam subsistere possit, quod hodie quoque ostensum: sistebatur infans pulcher et innocens ante visum, clauso oculo, et tunc remittebatur paululum spiritibus, ut paterent quales sunt, tunc percipiibatur manifeste, quod essent qui occidere vellent, qui conculcare, qui, infami modo tractare, et unus sic et alter sic, sic multis modis contra innocentes, quae cogitata et conatus erant eorum interiores; dixi quod talia non appareant in vita communi, dictum, quod interiora eorum nunc incipiant talia esse, et nisi leges civiles tenerent in vinculis, ruerent in similia facinora, tum nisi eorum interesse {a} pro lucris et honoribus, sic pro fama, conscientia parum si quicquam operatur hodie: quare ultima mundi tempora instant: quidam eorum spirituum rident talia, sicut etiam ostensum est, rident quod ita sint, et rident quod dicatur ultima tempora instare. 1748, 12 Aug.

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