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《灵界经历》 第2805节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2805

2805. Change of state after death can be conceived of in no other way than as an adding on, outside of the mental images, of those qualities that finally enable the person's soul to be in good societies, while in the life of the body they are implanted within the mental images. 1748, 13 Aug.

This makes it clear why so many times in the Word of the Lord the warning is given that while there is yet time before the door is closed to those called to the feast, they should repent, and obtain oil for their lamps [Matt. 25:1-13]; also, what it means that as the tree falls, there it shall lie [Eccl. 11:3].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2805

2805. Not otherwise may the change of state after death be conceived than that there are added [adjecta] to ideas from without those things which cause that at last his soul can be in good societies, but in the life of the body that they are implanted within ideas. - 1748, August 13. Hence it may be evident wherefore it is so many times admonished in the Lord's Word that so long as there is time before the door is closed for them who are called to the feast that they come to themselves and get themselves oil in [their] lamps: as also what is meant [by] that as the wood falleth so it remaineth.

Experientiae Spirituales 2805 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2805. Non aliter concipi potest status mutatio post mortem, quam quod adjiciantur extra ideas ea, quae faciunt, ut tandem anima ejus possit interesse societatibus bonis; at in vita corporis, quod implantentur intra ideas, 1748, 13 Aug.; inde 1

constare potest, quare in Verbo Domini toties monitum sit, ut quamdiu tempus est, antequam clauditur janua pro iis qui vocati ad convivium, ut resipiscant, et comparent sibi oleum in lucernis [Matth. XXV: 1-13]: tum quid significat, quod sicut lignum cadit, ita manet [Eccl. XI: 3].


1. The Manuscript has Aug: inde

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