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《灵界经历》 第2806节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2806

2806. On the speech of angels

I heard the speech of angels, even though I did not understand. A certain spirit was speaking, and along with his speech there followed then a soft speaking, like a stream of speech not understood. I heard the flow, and realized that it had much content, that in one simple word of the one speaking there were countless ideas of the speaking angels. Because I did not understand it but only perceived it was there, it was like a river, full of an abundance of imagery.

So I was told that this was the speech of angels, and that the spirit's speaking was something general, in which the angelic discourse was contained, as is the case with all harmony-unless there is something in common present, a sounding together in general,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2806


I have heard the speech of angels although I have not perceived [it]. A certain spirit spoke, and with his speech followed so mild [lenis] a speech [that it was] like a stream of speech not understood. I heard the stream and perceived that many things were therein, and these in [every] single simple word of the speaker were the innumerable ideas of angels speaking. Because these were not understood, but it was only perceived that there were [such], there was the likeness of a river full of copious ideas. Wherefore I was told that this was the speech of the angels, and that the speech of the spirit was a certain general [commune] principle wherein the angelic discourse was contained - just as in all harmony, unless there is present something general, as it were, a general concord [consonans incommuni].

Experientiae Spirituales 2806 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2806. De loquela angelorum

Audivi angelorum loquelam, tametsi non percepi, quidam spiritus loquebatur, et cum loquela ejus sequebatur sic lenis loquela, sicut flumen loquelae non intellectae, flumen audiebam, et percipiebam, quod multa inessent, et quod 1

in una simplici voce loquentis innumerae ideae loquentium angelorum, quae quia non intellectae sed modo perceptum quod esset, fluvii instar erat, copiosis ideis plenum; quare dicebatur mihi quod haec erat loquela angelorum, et quod loquela spiritus esset commune quoddam, in quo continebatur angelicus sermo, sicut in omni harmonia, nisi aliquid

(2807.) commune adsit, quasi consonans in communi, non datur singulare distinctum--sicut 2

in nullo non musico instrumento, et in corporis loquela, et singulorum sensuum actualitate--quae 3

communia adhuc eruditis mundi ignota sunt, sed usque adsunt; omnes membranae organicae viscerum, musculorum, organorum, sunt communia, in quibus et cum quibus particularia distincte existunt: talis erat loquela spiritus, et num idem dixissent angeli, ac quae in communi proferebat spiritus non scio, nam dari potest quod in et cum communi alia sint, quam quae in communi, sed non quae repugnant. 1748, 13 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has qude

2. The Manuscript has distinctum, sicut

3. The Manuscript has actualitate, quae

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