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《灵界经历》 第2808节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2808

2808. If in the world the aura of thoughts of self-love and self-profit were absent, all would be insanities

I saw an insane woman on the street, and was inspired to think, and to say to spirits, then also to realize, that if that outer restraint were absent from mankind that is built in by the love of self and of profit, and the consequent sense of shame in looking to those ends, then all would be like her, each with a variety of insanity agreeing with their acquired character.

The thoughts are just like those of this insane woman, which with her were not held in, because she was poor and clothed in rags. This shows what spirits in the other life are like, where that outer restraint has been taken away and the thought reigns by itself, namely, sheer insanities, if they were not governed by the Lord Alone, therefore by Wisdom and Intelligence Itself.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2808


I saw an insane woman [insanum] in the street, and it was granted to think and to say to spirits, therefore also to perceive, that if in man that external were absent, which is formed from love of self and of gain, consequently therefore the respect from which is paid to these, then would all be alike, with a variety of insanity according to each one's nature acquired from [by] himself. Such thoughts are like those of that insane woman which in her case [apud eum] were not retained, because she was poor and in ragged garments. Hence may be evident of what quality are spirits in the other life where such external is taken away and thought only prevails, to wit, that [they would be] mere insanities if they were not governed by the Lord alone, therefore by wisdom and intelligence itself. - 1748, August 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 2808 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2808. Si in mundo sphaera cogitationum sui amoris et sui lucri abesset, quod insaniae essent omnes

Vidi insanam in platea, et dabatur cogitare et dicere spiritibus, sic etiam percipere, quod si externum illud abesset in homine, quod conformatum est ex amore sui, et lucri, proinde sic pudor, qui illa spectat, tunc omnes similes essent cum varietate insaniae secundum cujusvis naturam a se comparatam, cogitationes tales sunt, quales insanae istius, quae apud eam non coercebantur, quia paupera et laceris vestimentis, inde constare potest, quales sunt spiritus in altera vita 1

, ubi tale externum ademptum est, et cogitatio solum regnat, nempe quod merae insaniae, si non a Solo Domino gubernarentur, sic ab Ipsa Sapientia et Intelligentia. 1748, 13 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has vitae

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