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《灵界经历》 第2810节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2810

2810. A comparison of spiritual and heavenly things in the world of spirits and heaven with the atmospheres and waters

In the world of spirits and heaven all things are assigned their place and situation entirely according to their natures and characters, so that not the least thing is lacking. Likewise there is a gyration of all things following heavenly patterns, namely of all spiritual and heavenly things, from the Lord, which gyration is ineffable because incomprehensible, whereby all and the least things are allotted a seat in the grand body.

And in fact, as may be seen earlier [2336-2337], according to the changes of their state and due to the workings of spiritual things, in their imagination they are carried from their location to others, and are then wandering spirits, so to speak, but still they are driven back to their own place that befits their nature and character.

By way of comparison and illustration, almost the same phenomenon exists in regard to the fluid elements in the human body, also in the waters [of the earth], as well as in the atmospheres, which depending on their lightness, shapes, and other characteristics, are brought by a rolling motion into their own place. 1748, 13 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2810


In the world of spirits and heaven all things obtain their place and situation, according to their nature and dispositions, so that not the least thing is wanting. In like manner there is a gyration of all things according to celestial forms, to wit, of all spiritual and celestial things from the Lord, which is ineffable because incomprehensible. Hence each and all things obtain their situation in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore] and certain, as may be seen previously, according to the changes of their state as to the operations of spirituals into their phantasies, are borne [carried] from their situation into others, and are then as it were wanderers: but still are brought back into their situation befitting their nature and disposition. By way of comparison and representation: nearly the similar exists in the human body as to liquids, also in waters, also in atmospheres which still are borne by circumvolution to their place, according to their lightness [levitates], figures, and the remaining [things] of their nature. - 1748, August 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 2810 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2810. Comparatio spiritualium et coelestium in mundo spirituum et coelo, cum atmosphaeris et aquis

In mundo spirituum et coelo omnia sortiuntur locum suum et situm prorsus secundum eorum naturas et indoles, sic ut ne minimum desit, similiter est omnium gyratio secundum formas coelestes, omnium nempe spiritualium et coeelestium, a Domino, quae ineffabilis, quia incomprehensibilis est, inde sortiuntur omnia et singula situm in maximo corpore; et quidam, ut videatur prius [2336-2337], secundum mutationes status eorum, quoad operationes spiritualium in eorum phantasia, feruntur {a} a situ suo in alios, et sunt tunc quasi errantes, sed usque in situm suum convenientem eorum naturae et indoli rediguntur; per viam comparationis, et repraesentationis, simile fere existit in corpore humano, quoad liquida, tum in aquis, etiam in atmosphaeris, quae usque secundum eorum levitates, figuras, et caetera naturae eorum, circumvoluta in suum locum deferuntur. 1748, 13 Aug.

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