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《灵界经历》 第2812节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2812

2812. By actual experience I have also been shown that those who want to captivate the minds of others with the motive of getting hold of their goods and dignities, when they resuscitate this in themselves in the other life then want to command everyone. When they resuscitate the intention to command that is in them, then from the frontal, higher region of the head they proceed, with their passion and conviction clinging to their mind, by way of a kind of arc over their head, toward the back parts of the head, into the part of the occiput under the cerebellum, where there is a cavity above the vertebrae of the neck, and there they locate, and then think about how to get possession of all that someone has, both their goods and their dignities, and thus rule over them and others. When the spirit was being carried by way of that arc, then the other spirits were saying

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2812

2812. It was also shown me by living experience that such as desire to gain the minds of others, with the end of snatching away the goods and honors of others, when they arouse this [trait] in themselves in the other life, and so desire to command all: When they arouse in themselves the mind to command, then from the interior superior region of the head they proceed in their cupidity and persuasion, which then inheres in the mind, by a certain arched way above the head towards the posteriors of the head, into the part of the occiput under the cerebellum where [is] the cavity above the cervical vertebrae, and there locate themselves, and so think how they might be able to snatch away everything, as well the goods as the honors of anyone, and thus command over them and others. When a spirit was carried [ferebatur] by way of that arch, then other spirits said, -

Experientiae Spirituales 2812 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2812. Per experientiam vivam quoque mihi ostensum est, quod tales, qui capere aliorum animos cupiunt, ob finem diripiendi aliorum bona et honores, cum hoc resuscitant in se in altera vita, et sic imperare omnibus cupiunt, dum imperandi animum apud semet resuscitant 1

, tunc ab anteriori superiore regione capitis vadunt in sua cupiditate, et persuasione, quae tunc animo inhaeret, per quandam viam arcus super caput, versus posteriora capitis, in partem occipitis sub cerebello, ubi cavitas supra cervicis vertebras, et ibi se locant, et sic cogitant, quomodo omnia diripere, tam bona quam honores alicujus, et sic super eos et alios imperare; cum spiritus per viam arcus istius ferebatur, tunc dicebant (2813.) alii spiritus, quod perciperent dira, et horrenda, quae tunc non vidi nec percepi; postea cum in cavitate occipitis essent, percepi sensu et audivi murmur eorum continuum, et tunc quoque vidi, quae spiritus prius viderant, nempe imagines humanas varias nigras plures, verbo infaustum et horrendum visu erat, et dicebatur, quod in squallidis et infaustis locis videantur sibi degere, qualium una mihi visa prius est [vide 2749-2750], cum putarem transire per portam, reclusa mihi est alia porta latus, ubi erant infaustum vacuum, sicut (uti hohla och stygga windar {a}).


1. The Manuscript has resuscitantant

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