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《灵界经历》 第2813节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2813

2813. that they sensed dreadful and repulsive things, which I did not see or sense at the time. Later, when they were in the cavity of the occiput, I felt and heard their ongoing murmur. And then I also saw what the spirits had seen before, namely, many different black human images. In short, it was foreboding and repulsive to see, and it was said that they seem to themselves to spend their time in dirty and uninviting places. Of this kind I have seen one before. When I was thinking to pass through the gate, another gate at the side was opened to me, where there was foreboding and emptiness, like (uti hohla och stygga windar 1).


1. Swedish for "in empty and foul attics."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2813

2813. that they perceived dreadful and horrible things, which I did not then see or perceive. Afterwards when they were in the cavity of the occiput, I have perceived sensibly [sersu] and heard their continued murmur, and then also have seen, what was at a later time seen by the spirits, to wit, many human images various [and] black [of various blacks]. In a word, it was inauspicious [forbidding] and horrible to view, and it was said that they seem to themselves to pass the time [degere] in filthy and forbidding places. One female [una] of such quality has been already seen by me. When I thought I was passing through the gate there was opened to me another gate at the side, where was a forbidding and empty place as if [uti sohla och stygga windar].

Experientiae Spirituales 2813 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2813. [vide 2812]

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